Namespaces |
namespace | Xconq |
Defines |
#define | UPDATE_ALWAYS 1 |
#define | UPDATE_ADJ 2 |
#define | UPDATE_COVER 4 |
#define | UPDATE_TEMP 8 |
#define | UPDATE_CLOUDS 16 |
#define | UPDATE_WINDS 32 |
#define | ADD_TO_AGENDA_AS_LIFO 0 |
| Push onto the top of the task agenda.
#define | ADD_TO_AGENDA_AS_FIFO 1 |
| Enqueue at the end of the task agenda.
#define | CLEAR_AGENDA 99 |
| Clear task agenda, and set as new agenda item.
#define | ACTM_CANNOT_TOOLUP 0x1 |
| Cannot toolup for any?
#define | ACTM_CANNOT_CREATE 0x2 |
| Cannot create any?
#define | ACTM_CANNOT_BUILD 0x4 |
| Cannot build upon any?
#define | ACTM_CANNOT_REPAIR 0x8 |
| Cannot repair any?
#define | MReq_AGENT_TREASURY 1 |
| Use agent's side's treasury rather than actor's side's treasury.
#define | HIT_METHOD_NONE 0x0 |
| Do not hit via any method?
#define | HIT_METHOD_ATTACK 0x1 |
| Hit via attack?
#define | HIT_METHOD_FIRE 0x2 |
| Hit via fire?
#define | HIT_METHOD_DETONATE 0x4 |
| Hit via detonation?
#define | HIT_METHOD_TRANSPORT 0x8 |
| Hit via transport?
#define | HIT_METHOD_OCCUPANT 0x10 |
| Hit via occupants?
#define | HIT_METHOD_ANY |
| Hit via any method?
#define | HIT_TRIES_DFLT 3 |
| Default number of times ot run 'hit-unit' task.
#define | CAPTURE_METHOD_NONE 0x0 |
| Do not capture via any method?
| Capture via direct capture?
| Capture via attack?
#define | CAPTURE_METHOD_FIRE 0x4 |
| Capture via adjacent fire?
| Capture via detonation?
| Capture via transport?
| Capture via occupants?
| Capture via any method?
#define | CAPTURE_TRIES_DFLT 3 |
| Default number of times ot run 'capture' task.
Enumerations |
enum | setup_stage {
} |
| Game setup stages. More...
Functions |
void | announce_read_progress (void) |
void | announce_lengthy_process (char *msg) |
void | announce_progress (int pctdone) |
void | finish_lengthy_process (void) |
Player * | add_default_player (void) |
UnitVector * | get_selected_units (Side *side) |
void | init_ui (Side *side) |
int | active_display (Side *side) |
void | run_ui_idler (void) |
void | update_turn_display (Side *side, int rightnow) |
void | update_area_display (Side *side) |
void | update_action_display (Side *side, int rightnow) |
void | update_action_result_display (Side *side, Unit *unit, int rslt, int rightnow) |
void | update_event_display (Side *side, HistEvent *hevt, int rightnow) |
void | update_fire_at_display (Side *side, Unit *unit, Unit *unit2, int m, int rightnow) |
void | update_fire_into_display (Side *side, Unit *unit, int x, int y, int z, int m, int rightnow) |
void | update_clock_display (Side *side, int rightnow) |
void | update_side_display (Side *side, Side *side2, int rightnow) |
void | update_unit_display (Side *side, Unit *unit, int rightnow) |
void | update_unit_acp_display (Side *side, Unit *unit, int rightnow) |
void | update_message_display (Side *side, Side *side2, char *str, int rightnow) |
void | update_cell_display (Side *side, int x, int y, int flags) |
void | update_all_progress_displays (char *str, int s) |
void | update_research_display (Side *side) |
void | update_everything (void) |
void | flush_display_buffers (Side *side) |
int | schedule_movie (Side *side, char *movie,...) |
void | play_movies (SideMask sidemask) |
void | action_point (Side *side, int x, int y) |
void | notify_all (char *str,...) |
void | notify (Side *side, char *str,...) |
void | vnotify (Side *side, char *fmt, va_list ap) |
void | cmd_error (Side *side, char *fmt,...) |
void | low_notify (Side *side, char *str) |
void | init_warning (char *str,...) |
void | low_init_warning (char *str) |
void | init_error (char *str,...) |
void | low_init_error (char *str) |
void | run_warning (char *str,...) |
void | low_run_warning (char *str) |
void | run_error (char *str,...) |
void | low_run_error (char *str) |
void | print_form (Obj *form) |
void | end_printing_forms (void) |
void | unit_research_dialog (Unit *unit) |
void | place_legends (Side *side) |
void | init_actions (void) |
| Action Initialization.
int | transfer_supply (Unit *from, Unit *to, int m, int amount) |
| Transfer Supply.
void | garrison_unit (Unit *unit, Unit *unit2) |
| Garrison Unit.
void | make_unit_complete (Unit *unit) |
| Complete Unit.
int | execute_action (Unit *unit, Action *action) |
int | can_have_enough_acp (Unit *unit, int acp) |
int | type_can_have_enough_acp (int u, int acp) |
int | has_enough_acp (Unit *unit, int acp) |
int | could_take_from_treasury (int u, int m) |
| Could u take m from treasury, assuming side has treasury?
int | could_take_from_treasury (int u, Side *side, int m) |
| Could u on a given side take m from treasury?
int | could_take_directly_from_treasury (int u, int m) |
| Could u take m directly from treasury, assuming side has treasury?
int | could_take_directly_from_treasury (int u, Side *side, int m) |
| Could u on a given side take m directly from treasury?
int | could_give_to_treasury (int u, int m) |
| Could u give m to treasury, assuming side has treasury?
int | could_give_to_treasury (int u, Side *side, int m) |
| Could u on a given side give m to treasury?
int | could_give_directly_to_treasury (int u, int m) |
| Could u give m directly to treasury, assuming side has treasury?
int | could_give_directly_to_treasury (int u, Side *side, int m) |
| Could u on a given side give m directly to treasury?
void | get_materials_availability (Unit *actor, Unit *agent, long *p_mavail, long *p_mavailmax, int flags=0) |
| What are current and max materials availabilities for an actor-agent pair?
int | can_meet_materials_requirement (long *p_mreq, long *p_mavail, long *p_mavailmax) |
| Is materials requirement satisfied by availabilities?
void | consume_materials (Unit *actor, Unit *consumer, int(*getter)(int u, int m), int u3=NONUTYPE, int mult=1) |
| Consume materials of a given unit with a given consumption getter.
void | consume_materials (Unit *actor, Unit *consumer, long *p_mreq) |
| Consume materials of a given unit according to given consumption vector.
int | has_supply_to_act (Unit *unit) |
| Does unit has enough of each material needed to act?
void | use_up_acp (Unit *unit, int acp) |
| Make the consumed acp disappear, but not go below the minimum possible.
int | construction_possible (int u2) |
int | any_construction_possible (void) |
int | storage_possible (int m) |
int | any_storage_possible (void) |
char * | action_desig (Action *act) |
int | type_max_night_acp_from_any_terrains (int u) |
int | type_max_acp_from_any_occs (int u) |
int | type_max_acp (int u) |
int | type_max_speed_from_any_occs (int u) |
int | type_max_speed (int u) |
int | can_act (Unit *actor, Unit *agent) |
int | has_enough_tooling (Unit *constructor, int u2) |
| Does the constructor have enough tooling to construct u2?
int | could_toolup_for (int u, int u2) |
| Could u toolup for u2?
int | could_toolup_for_any (int u) |
| Could u toolup for any utype?
int | can_toolup_for (Unit *actor, Unit *constructor, int u3) |
| Can given actor-constructor pair toolup for given utype?
int | could_create (int u, int u2) |
| Could u create u2?
int | could_create_any (int u) |
| Could u create any utype?
int | can_create_common (Unit *actor, Unit *creator, int u3, int x, int y, int could=0, int acpcost_spcl=-1, long *p_mreq_spcl=NULL) |
| Can given actor-creator pair create given utype?
int | could_build (int u, int u2) |
| Could u build u2?
int | could_build_any (int u) |
| Could u build any utype?
int | can_build (Unit *actor, Unit *builder, int u3) |
| Can given actor-builder pair build on a given utype?
int | can_build (Unit *actor, Unit *builder, Unit *buildee, int could=0, int acpcost_spcl=-1, long *p_mreq_spcl=NULL) |
| Can given actor-builder pair build on a given unit?
int | could_auto_repair (int u, int u2) |
| Could u auto-repair u2?
int | can_auto_repair (Unit *repairer, Unit *repairee) |
| Can given repairer auto-repair given repairee?
int | could_repair (int u, int u2) |
| Could u explicitly repair u2?
int | can_repair (Unit *actor, Unit *repairer, int u3) |
| Can given actor-repairer pair explicitly repair given utype?
int | can_repair (Unit *actor, Unit *repairer, Unit *repairee) |
| Can given repairer explicitly repair given repairee?
int | can_change_type_to (int u, int u2, Side *side) |
int | can_change_type_to (Unit *actor, Unit *morpher, int u3) |
| Can given unit change into given utype?
int | should_play_movies (void) |
| Should action movies be played?
void | init_ai (Side *side) |
void | init_ai_types (void) |
void | ai_init_shared (void) |
int | find_ai_type (char *aitype) |
void | set_side_ai (Side *side, char *aitype) |
int | run_local_ai (int when, int maxplanning) |
char * | ai_type_name (int n) |
char * | next_ai_type_name (char *aitype) |
char * | ai_type_help (int n) |
void | ai_react_to_new_side (Side *side, Side *side2) |
void | ai_receive_message (Side *side, Side *sender, char *str) |
void | ai_save_state (Side *side) |
int | ai_region_at (Side *side, int x, int y) |
char * | ai_at_desig (Side *side, int x, int y) |
Goal * | create_goal (GoalType type, Side *side, int tf) |
char * | goal_desig (Goal *goal) |
void | ai_pick_side_research (Side *side) |
int | fire_hit_chance (int u, int u2) |
| Chance that u will hit u2 by firing.
int | fire_damage (int u, int u2) |
| Damage that u does to u2 by firing.
int | indep_capture_chance (int u, int u2) |
| Chance for u to capture independent u2.
int | capture_chance (int u, int u2, Side *side2) |
| Chance for u to capture u2 on a give side.
int | could_fire_at (int u, int u2) |
| Could u fire at u2?
int | could_fire_at_any (int u) |
| Could u fire at >= 1 utypes?
int | fire_range (int u, int u2) |
| Maximum fire range of u against u2.
int | fire_range_best (int u, int u2) |
| Best fire range of u against u2.
int | fire_range_max (int u) |
| Maximum fire range of u.
int | can_fire (Unit *acpsrc, Unit *firer) |
| Can a given unit fire?
int | can_fire_at (Unit *acpsrc, Unit *firer, int u) |
| Can a given unit fire at a given utype?
int | can_fire_at_any (Unit *actor, Unit *firer) |
| Can a given unit fire at >= 1 enemy utypes?
int | could_attack (int u, int u2) |
| Could u hit u2 by attacks?
int | could_attack_any (int u) |
| Could the given utype attack >= 1 utypes?
int | attack_range (int u, int u2) |
| Attack range of u against u2.
int | attack_range_max (int u) |
| Maximum attack range of u.
int | can_attack (Unit *actor, Unit *attacker, int u3) |
| Can a given unit attack a given utype?
int | can_attack_any (Unit *actor, Unit *attacker) |
| Can a given unit attack >= 1 enemy utypes?
int | could_detonate (int u) |
| Could u detonate?
int | could_damage_by_0dist_detonation (int u, int u2) |
| Could u damage u2 by a detonation in same cell?
int | could_damage_by_ranged_detonation (int u, int u2) |
| Could u damage u2 by a detonation at range?
int | could_damage_by_detonation (int u, int u2) |
| Could u damage u2 by a detonation?
int | detonate_urange (int u, int u2) |
| Blast radius of detonation from u against u2.
int | detonate_urange_max (int u) |
| Max blast radius of detonation from u.
int | detonate_urange_max (void) |
| Max blast radius of detonation from any utype.
int | can_detonate (Unit *acpsrc, Unit *detonator) |
| Can given unit detonate?
int | could_hit (int u, int u2) |
| Could u hit u2 by any method?
int | hit_range (int u, int u2) |
| Hit range of u against u2.
int | hit_range_max (int u) |
| Maximum hit range of u.
int | hit_range_max (void) |
| Maximum hit range of all utypes.
int | could_capture_by_fire (int u, int u2, Side *oside) |
| Could u capture u2 by fire?
int | could_capture_by_attacks (int u, int u2, Side *oside) |
| Could u capture u2 by attacks?
int | could_capture_by_capture (int u, int u2, Side *oside) |
| Could u capture u2 by direct capture?
int | could_capture (int u, int u2, Side *oside) |
| Could u capture u2 by any means?
int | could_capture_any (int u) |
| Could the given utype capture any utypes by any means?
int | direct_capture_range (int u, int u2, Side *side2) |
| Direct capture range of u against u2.
int | can_capture (Unit *acpsrc, Unit *captor, int u3, Side *eside) |
| Can a given unit capture a given utype on a given side?
int | defended_by_occupants (Unit *unit) |
int | occ_can_defend_transport (int o, int t) |
int | enough_to_garrison (Unit *unit, int defenders) |
void | init_library_path (char *path) |
void | add_library_path (char *path) |
void | init_data_structures (void) |
void | start_game_load_stage (void) |
void | start_variant_setup_stage (void) |
void | start_player_pre_setup_stage (void) |
void | start_player_setup_stage (void) |
void | start_game_ready_stage (void) |
void | check_game_validity (void) |
void | calculate_globals (void) |
void | make_trial_assignments (void) |
Side * | make_up_a_side (void) |
int | add_side_and_player (void) |
int | remove_side_and_player (int s) |
void | run_synth_methods (void) |
void | final_init (void) |
void | init_supply (Unit *unit) |
void | assign_players_to_sides (void) |
char * | version_string (void) |
char * | copyright_string (void) |
char * | license_string (void) |
int | already_seen_chance (Side *side, Unit *unit) |
int | get_synth_method_uses (int methkey, int *calls, int *runs) |
int | indepside_needed (void) |
Obj * | make_namer (Obj *sym, Obj *meth) |
void | init_namers (void) |
void | make_up_side_name (Side *side) |
int | name_in_use (Side *side, char *str) |
int | name_units_randomly (int calls, int runs) |
char * | unit_namer (Unit *unit) |
char * | propose_unit_name (Unit *unit) |
void | make_up_unit_name (Unit *unit) |
void | assign_unit_number (Unit *unit) |
char * | run_namer (Obj *namer) |
int | make_rivers (int calls, int runs) |
int | make_roads (int calls, int runs) |
int | make_fractal_terrain (int calls, int runs) |
int | make_random_terrain (int calls, int runs) |
int | make_earthlike_terrain (int calls, int runs) |
int | make_maze_terrain (int calls, int runs) |
int | name_geographical_features (int calls, int runs) |
void | add_edge_terrain (void) |
int | make_countries (int calls, int runs) |
int | make_independent_units (int calls, int runs) |
int | total_move_cost (int u, int u2, int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2) |
int | zoc_move_cost (Unit *unit, int ox, int oy, int oz) |
int | zoc_range (Unit *unit, int u2) |
int | unit_blockable_by (Unit *unit, Unit *unit2) |
int | sides_allow_entry (Unit *unit, Unit *transport) |
int | in_blocking_zoc (Unit *unit, int x, int y, int z) |
int | can_move_at_all (Unit *unit) |
int | can_move_via_conn (Unit *unit, int nx, int ny) |
int | unit_speed (Unit *unit, int nx, int ny) |
int | terrain_always_impassable (int u, int t) |
int | type_can_move_in_terrain (int u, int t) |
int | type_can_have_enough_mp (int u, int mp) |
int | could_move (int uactor, int umover) |
| Could uactor move umover?
int | can_move (Unit *actor, Unit *mover) |
| Can a given unit move?
void | init_nlang (void) |
char * | short_side_title (Side *side) |
char * | shortest_side_title (Side *side2, char *buf) |
char * | long_player_title (char *buf, Player *player, char *thisdisplayname) |
char * | short_player_title (char *buf, Player *player, char *thisdisplayname) |
char * | simple_player_title (char *buf, Player *player) |
char * | simple_player_name (char *buf, Player *player) |
char * | unit_handle (Side *side, Unit *unit) |
char * | short_unit_handle (Unit *unit) |
char * | medium_long_unit_handle (Unit *unit) |
void | name_or_number (Unit *unit, char *buf) |
char * | apparent_unit_handle (Side *side, Unit *unit, Side *side2) |
void | construction_desc (char *buf, Unit *unit, int u) |
void | research_desc (char *buf, Unit *unit, int a) |
void | researchible_desc (char *buf, Unit *unit, int a) |
void | constructible_desc (char *buf, Side *side, int u, Unit *unit) |
void | historical_event_desc (Side *side, HistEvent *hevt, char *buf) |
char * | action_result_desc (int rslt) |
void | advance_failure_desc (char *buf, Unit *unit, HistEventType reason) |
char * | feature_desc (Feature *feature, char *buf) |
void | size_desc (char *buf, Unit *unit, int label) |
void | hp_desc (char *buf, Unit *unit, int label) |
void | acp_desc (char *buf, Unit *unit, int label) |
void | cxp_desc (char *buf, Unit *unit, int label) |
void | morale_desc (char *buf, Unit *unit, int label) |
void | point_value_desc (char *buf, Unit *unit, int label) |
void | plan_desc (char *buf, Unit *unit) |
void | task_desc (char *buf, Side *side, Unit *unit, Task *task) |
void | action_desc (char *buf, Action *action, Unit *unit) |
void | time_desc (char *buf, int seconds, int maxtime) |
void | notify_doctrine (Side *side, char *spec) |
void | report_combat (Unit *unit, Unit *atker, char *str) |
void | report_give (Side *side, Unit *unit, Unit *unit2, short *rslts) |
void | report_take (Side *side, Unit *unit, int needed, short *rslts) |
char * | ordinal_suffix (int n) |
char * | plural_form (char *word) |
char * | capitalize (char *buf) |
char * | all_capitals (char *buf) |
char * | absolute_date_string (int date) |
void | write_unit_record (FILE *fp, Side *side) |
void | write_side_results (FILE *fp, Side *side) |
void | write_combat_results (FILE *fp, Side *side) |
void | record_missing_image (int typtyp, char *str) |
int | missing_images (char *buf) |
void | notify_all_of_resignation (Side *side, Side *side2) |
int | short_side_title_plural_p (Side *side) |
char * | side_score_desc (char *buf, Side *side, Scorekeeper *sk) |
void | location_desc (char *buf, Side *side, Unit *unit, int u, int x, int y) |
void | destination_desc (char *buf, Side *side, Unit *unit, int x, int y, int z) |
int | supply_desc (char *buf, Unit *unit, int mrow) |
int | tooling_desc (char *buf, Unit *unit) |
char * | sidemask_desc (char *buf, SideMask sidemask) |
void | latlong_desc (char *buf, int x, int y, int xf, int yf, int which) |
void | others_here_desc (char *buf, Unit *unit) |
void | occupants_desc (char *buf, Unit *unit) |
void | set_initial_date (char *str) |
int | find_event_type (Obj *sym) |
int | pattern_matches_event (Obj *pattern, HistEvent *hevt) |
void | event_desc_from_list (Side *side, Obj *lis, HistEvent *hevt, char *buf) |
int | turns_between (char *str1, char *str2) |
char * | goal_desc (char *buf, Goal *goal) |
char * | feature_name_at (int x, int y) |
void | linear_desc (char *buf, int x, int y) |
void | elevation_desc (char *buf, int x, int y) |
void | temperature_desc (char *buf, int x, int y) |
char * | format_number (char *buf, int value) |
int | ai_victim_here (int x, int y, int *numvictims) |
int | target_here (int x, int y) |
int | useful_captureable_here (int x, int y) |
int | est_completion_time (Unit *unit, int u2) |
char * | plan_desig (Plan *plan) |
int | low_on_supplies_one (Unit *unit) |
int | low_on_ammo_one (Unit *unit) |
int | past_halfway_point (Unit *unit) |
void | make_plausible_random_args (char *argtypestr, int i, int *args, Unit *unit) |
void | type_error (Obj *x, char *msg) |
void | interp_form (Module *module, Obj *form) |
void | interp_game_module (Obj *form, Module *module) |
void | fill_in_side (Side *side, Obj *props, int userdata) |
void | read_warning (char *str,...) |
int | utype_from_name (char *str) |
int | utype_from_symbol (Obj *sym) |
int | mtype_from_name (char *str) |
int | ttype_from_name (char *str) |
int | atype_from_name (char *str) |
int | lookup_task_type (char *name) |
void | init_run (void) |
int | run_game (int maxactions) |
int | realtime_game (void) |
int | all_others_willing_to_save (Side *side) |
int | all_others_willing_to_quit (Side *side) |
void | end_the_game (void) |
void | update_canresearch_vector (Side *side) |
void | update_side_research_goal_availability (Side *side) |
void | update_canbuild_vector (Side *side) |
void | update_cancarry_vector (Side *side) |
void | kick_out_enemy_users (Side *side, int x, int y) |
void | set_play_rate (int slow, int fast) |
int | production_at (int x, int y, int m) |
void | auto_pick_unit_research (Unit *unit) |
void | auto_pick_side_research (Side *side) |
int | new_acp_for_turn (Unit *unit) |
int | new_acp_for_turn_if_at (Unit *unit, int x, int y) |
int | people_surrender_chance (int u, int x, int y) |
void | update_cell_display_all_sides (int x, int y, int flags) |
void | try_sharing (Unit *from, Unit *to, int m) |
int | damaged_acp (Unit *unit, Obj *effect) |
void | set_unit_acp_for_turn (Unit *unit) |
int | choose_move_direction (Unit *unit, int x, int y, int range) |
int | choose_move_dirs (Unit *unit, int tx, int ty, int shortest, int(*dirtest)(Unit *, int), void(*dirsort)(Unit *, int *, int), int *dirs) |
int | plausible_move_dir (Unit *unit, int dir) |
void | parse_player_spec (Player *player, char *spec) |
UnitView * | find_unit_view (Side *side, Unit *unit) |
Obj * | choose_side_research_goal_from_weighted_list (Obj *lis, int *totalweightp, Side *side) |
void | run_supply (void) |
int | supply_system_in_use (void) |
Unit * | find_unit_to_complete (Unit *unit, Task *task) |
Task * | create_task (TaskType type) |
void | dump_checksums (char *str) |
void | init_write (void) |
int | write_game_module (Module *module, char *fname) |
Variables |
FILE * | xcq_fstdout |
enum setup_stage | current_stage |
| Current setup stage.
int | gamedefined |
| Game defined flag.
int | gameinited |
| Game initialized flag.
int | compromised |
| Game compromised flag.
int | beforestart |
| Game not started flag.
int | endofgame |
| End of game flag.
int | gamestatesafe |
| Game in safe state flag.
int | any_post_action_scores |
| Post action scoring to do flag.
short | any_people_side_changes |
| People side changes?
int | max_zoc_range |
| Maximum zone of control range.
int | warnings_suppressed |
| Warnings suppressed flag.
time_t | game_start_in_real_time |
| Game started in real time flag.
time_t | turn_play_start_in_real_time |
| Turn play start in real time.
short * | u_possible |
| Unit posible.
int | want_checkpoints |
| We want checkpoint files.
int | checkpoint_interval |
| Checkpoint interval.
int | statistics_wanted |
| Statistics wanted.
int | numsoundplays |
| Number of sound plays .
int | allbedesigners |
| All players are designers.
int | tmphevtdata1 |
| Tempoary event data 1.
int | max_detonate_on_approach_range |
int | max_t_detonate_effect_range |
| Maximum range detonation can affect terrain.
int | xmalloc_warnings |
| Memory warning flag.
int | memory_exhausted |
| Memory exhausted flag.
Feature * | featurelist |
| Feature list.
Doctrine * | doctrine_list |
| Doctrine list.
char * | curdatestr |
int | sunx |
| sun directly over x co-ordinate.
int | suny |
| sun directly over y co-ordinate.
int | daynight |
| ???
int | area_lighting |
| ???
int | warnings_logged |
| Warnings logged.
int * | cache__type_max_night_acp_from_any_terrains |
int * | cache__type_max_acp_from_any_occs |
int * | cache__type_max_acp |
int * | cache__type_max_speed_from_any_occs |
int * | cache__type_max_speed |
int | G_advances_graph_has_cycles |
PackedBoolTable * | G_advances_synopsis |