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run2.c File Reference

#include "conq.h"
#include "kernel.h"

Include dependency graph for run2.c:

Include dependency graph


namespace  Xconq


struct  a_key_point


int check_repair_action (Unit *actor, Unit *repairer, Unit *repairee)
 Check for Repair Unit Action.

int do_repair_action (Unit *actor, Unit *repairer, Unit *repairee)
 Do Repair Unit Action.

void run_turn_start (void)
void run_restored_turn_start (void)
void run_turn_end (void)
void request_additional_side (char *playerspec)
void parse_player_spec (Player *player, char *spec)
int new_acp_for_turn (Unit *unit)
int new_acp_for_turn_if_at (Unit *unit, int x, int y)
int total_acp_for_turn (Unit *unit)
void set_unit_acp_for_turn (Unit *unit)
int damaged_acp (Unit *unit, Obj *effect)
int people_surrender_chance (int u, int x, int y)
void change_people_side_around (int x, int y, int u, Side *side)
void update_cell_display_all_sides (int x, int y, int flags)


int stop_apply
int gamestatesafe
 Game in safe state flag.

int suppress_update_cell_display = FALSE
int curyearpart = -1
char * curseasonname
char * curdatestr
int want_checkpoints = FALSE
 We want checkpoint files.

int checkpoint_interval = 0
 Checkpoint interval.

int new_sides_requested
char ** players_requested
int daynight = FALSE

int sunx
 sun directly over x co-ordinate.

int suny
 sun directly over y co-ordinate.

int lastsunx = -1 lastsuny = -1
int area_lighting = -1

short any_tooling_attrition = -1
short any_cp_attrition = -1
short any_self_builds = -1
short any_environment_effects = -1
short any_appearances = -1
short any_disappearances = -1
short any_people_side_changes = -1
 People side changes?

short * any_people_surrenders = NULL
short any_morale_recovery = -1
short any_tech_leakage = -1
short any_detonation_accidents = -1
short any_lost_vanish = -1
short any_lost_wreck = -1
short any_lost_surrender = -1
short any_lost_revolt = -1
short any_people_max = -1
short any_spying = -1
short any_annual_temp_change = -1
short any_accidents = -1
short any_attrition = -1
short any_revolts = -1
short any_surrenders = -1
short any_auto_change_types = FALSE

Function Documentation

void change_people_side_around int  x,
int  y,
int  u,
Side side

int check_repair_action Unit actor,
Unit repairer,
Unit repairee

Check for Repair Unit Action.

Check to see if the repair action can be done. Validate:

  • All units are in play.
  • The repairng unit can repair the repaired unit.
  • Sufficient materials are on hand to do the repair.
  • the unit has enought ACP to do the repair this turn.
    See also:
    in_play, uu_acp_to_repair, can_have_enough_acp, uu_hp_to_repair, for_all_material_types, um_to_repair, um_consumption_per_repair, has_enough_acp.

int damaged_acp Unit unit,
Obj effect

int do_repair_action Unit acpsrc,
Unit repairer,
Unit repairee

Do Repair Unit Action.

Use a unit to repair another unit.

  • Calculate amount of hitpoints that can be repaired.
  • Adjust the repaired unit's hitpoints.
  • Use up any materials required.
  • Use up any ACP needed.
    See also:
    uu_repair, add_to_unit_hp, prob_fraction, for_all_material_types, um_comsumption_per_repair, use_up_acp, uu_acp_to_repair.
    A_ANY_DONE always.

int new_acp_for_turn Unit unit  ) 

int new_acp_for_turn_if_at Unit unit,
int  x,
int  y

void parse_player_spec Player player,
char *  spec

int people_surrender_chance int  u,
int  x,
int  y

void request_additional_side char *  playerspec  ) 

void run_restored_turn_start void   ) 

void run_turn_end void   ) 

void run_turn_start void   ) 

void set_unit_acp_for_turn Unit unit  ) 

int total_acp_for_turn Unit unit  ) 

void update_cell_display_all_sides int  x,
int  y,
int  flags

Variable Documentation

short any_accidents = -1

short any_annual_temp_change = -1

short any_appearances = -1

short any_attrition = -1

short any_auto_change_types = FALSE

short any_cp_attrition = -1

short any_detonation_accidents = -1

short any_disappearances = -1

short any_environment_effects = -1

short any_lost_revolt = -1

short any_lost_surrender = -1

short any_lost_vanish = -1

short any_lost_wreck = -1

short any_morale_recovery = -1

short any_people_max = -1

short any_people_side_changes = -1

People side changes?

short* any_people_surrenders = NULL

short any_revolts = -1

short any_self_builds = -1

short any_spying = -1

short any_surrenders = -1

short any_tech_leakage = -1

short any_tooling_attrition = -1

int area_lighting = -1


int checkpoint_interval = 0

Checkpoint interval.

char* curdatestr

char* curseasonname

int curyearpart = -1

int daynight = FALSE


int gamestatesafe

Game in safe state flag.

struct a_key_point * key_points

int lastsunx = -1 lastsuny = -1

int new_sides_requested

char** players_requested

int stop_apply

int sunx

sun directly over x co-ordinate.

int suny

sun directly over y co-ordinate.

int suppress_update_cell_display = FALSE

int want_checkpoints = FALSE

We want checkpoint files.

Generated on Sat Sep 17 10:29:29 2005 for XconqKernel by doxygen 1.3.6