actions.c | Implementations of Xconq actions |
ai.c | |
ai.h [code] | | | Operational Roles and Analysis for AIs |
aioprt.h [code] | Operational Roles and Analysis for AIs | | Scorekeeper and Victory Condition Analysis for AIs |
aiscore.h [code] | Scorekeeper and Victory Condition Analysis for AIs | | Tactical Analysis for AIs |
aitact.h [code] | Tactical Analysis for AIs | | Unit and Unit Type Analysis and Status Function for AIs |
aiunit.h [code] | Unit and Unit Type Analysis and Status Function for AIs | | Unit and Unit Type Analysis and Worth Functions for AIs |
aiunit2.h [code] | Unit and Unit Type Analysis and Worth Functions for AIs |
aiutil.c | |
aiutil.h [code] | |
autotest.c | |
autotest.h [code] | Automated testing |
cmd.c | |
cmdline.c | |
cmdline.h [code] | Command Line Options |
combat.c | |
config.h [code] | Configuration-related definitions for Xconq |
conq.h [code] | Main include file for Xconq |
copying.c | |
dir.h [code] | Definitions for the directions of the compass |
economy.c | |
game.h [code] | Interface between game parameters and the rest of Xconq |
generic.c | |
gif.c | |
help.c | |
help.h [code] | |
history.c | |
history.h [code] | Definitions for the historical record |
imf.c | |
imf.h [code] | Definitions for the image manipulation routines |
imf2imf.c | |
init.c | |
kernel.h [code] | |
kpublic.h [code] | |
lisp.c | |
lisp.h [code] | Definitions for Lisp objects in Xconq |
mac.c | |
misc.h [code] | Random definitions used everywhere in Xconq |
mknames.c | |
mkrivers.c | |
mkroads.c | |
mkterr.c | |
mkunits.c | |
module.c | |
module.h [code] | Definitions for game modules in XConq |
move.c | |
mplayer.c | |
nlang.c | |
obstack.c | |
obstack.h [code] | Object stack macros. Summary: |
parambox.h [code] | |
path.c | |
plan.c | |
player.h [code] | Definitions for players in Xconq |
print.h [code] | |
ps.c | |
read.c | |
run.c | |
run2.c | |
score.c | |
score.h [code] | Definitions relating to scorekeepers in Xconq |
side.c | |
side.h [code] | Definitions for sides in Xconq |
skelconq.c | |
snprintf.c | |
snprintf.h [code] | |
socket.c | |
supply.c | |
system.h [code] | Definitions of system-specific things for Xconq |
tables.c | |
task.c | |
timestuff.c | |
timestuff.h [code] | |
tp.c | |
tp.h [code] | Definitions for game transport protocol |
types.c | |
ui.c | |
ui.h [code] | |
unit.c | |
unit.h [code] | Definitions relating to units in Xconq |
unix.c | |
util.c | |
win32.c | |
world.c | |
world.h [code] | Dfinitions relating to worlds and areas in Xconq |
write.c | |
xcscribe.c | |