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00001 /* Definitions for graphics support not specific to any interface.
00002    Copyright (C) 1993-1995, 1997-2000 Stanley T. Shebs.
00003    Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Eric A. McDonald.
00005 Xconq is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00006 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00007 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
00008 any later version.  See the file COPYING.  */
00010 /* Try to humor both C++ and pedantic ANSI C. */
00011 #if (defined (__cplusplus) || defined (__MWERKS__))
00012 #define BMAP_BYTE char
00013 #else
00014 #define BMAP_BYTE unsigned char
00015 #endif
00017 #define NUMPOWERS 8
00019 /* Xform flags for unit views. */
00020 #define XFORM_UVIEW_LEGACY          0   
00021 #define XFORM_UVIEW_PILES           1   
00022 #define XFORM_UVIEW_ELLIPSIS        2   
00023 #define XFORM_UVIEW_AS_TSPT         4   
00024 #define XFORM_UVIEW_AS_OCC          8   
00025 #define XFORM_UVIEW_DONT_PILE_ACP   16  
00026 #define XFORM_UVIEW_DONT_PILE_HP    32  
00027 #define XFORM_UVIEW_DONT_PILE_CP    64  
00028 #define XFORM_UVIEW_DONT_PILE_OCC   128 
00029 #define XFORM_UVIEW_DONT_DRAW       (1 << 31)   
00031 /* Drawing techniques that may be used. */
00033 enum whattouse {
00034   dontdraw,
00035   useblocks,
00036   usepolygons,
00037   usepictures
00038 };
00040 typedef struct a_vp {
00041     int sx, sy;                 /* LL corner of the viewport, in pixels */
00042     int totsw, totsh;           /* total size of the map in pixels */
00043     int sxmin, symin;           /* lower bound on the viewport position */
00044     int sxmax, symax;           /* upper bound on the viewport position */
00045     short pxw, pxh;             /* size of window in pixels */
00046     short power;                /* index to this map's magnification */
00047     short mag;                  /* magnification of each cell (a power of 2) */
00048     short vcx, vcy;             /* center of the view, in cells */
00049     short hw, hh;               /* pixel dims of a cell */
00050     short hch;                  /* vertical center-to-center distance */
00051     short uw, uh;               /* pixel dims of unit subcell */
00052     short angle;                /* Angle of perspective view */
00053     int cellwidth;
00054     short vertscale;            /* vertical exaggeration of angle/iso views */
00055     short isometric;            /* true if display is isometric */
00056     short isodir;               /* direction in which iso viewer is facing */
00057     short scroll_beyond_dateline;   /* Permit scrolling beyond the dateline in 
00058                                        wrapped worlds. Currently supported 
00059                                        only in the mac ppc interface. */
00060     short show_all;     /* True if the display should bypass view structures 
00061                            and display the state of everything accurately. This
00062                            can be true if the side always sees all, or the 
00063                            side is designing, or the game is over. */
00064     short draw_terrain;         /* Display solid color terrain on the map? */
00065     short *draw_aux_terrain;    /* draw aux terrain, each type? */
00066     short draw_grid;            /* Draw outlines around cells? */
00067     short draw_cell_pats;       /* Draw terrain patterns? */
00068     short draw_other_maps;      /* Draw outlines of other maps? */
00069     short draw_units;           /* Draw units on the map? */
00070     short draw_names;           /* Draw unit names/numbers on the map? */
00071     short oldest_to_show;       /* the relative time of the oldest data */
00072     short age_to_fade;          /* point at which to gray out the display */
00073     short draw_people;          /* Draw people sides on the map? */
00074     short draw_control;         /* Draw controlling sides on the map? */
00075     short draw_elevations;      /* Draw elevations on the map? */
00076     short num_contours;         /* Number of contour lines to draw */
00077     short contour_interval;             /* Contour interval */
00078     short contour_interval_fixed;       /* True if player set the interval */
00079     struct a_line_segment *linebuf;     /* Buffer of contour line segments */
00080     short *draw_materials;
00081     short num_materials_to_draw;
00082     short draw_lighting;                /* Draw day/night on the map? */
00083     short draw_temperature;             /* Draw temperatures on the map? */
00084     short draw_winds;                   /* Draw wind vectors on the map? */
00085     short draw_clouds;                  /* Draw clouds on the map? */
00086     short draw_storms;
00087     short draw_plans;
00088     short draw_cover;
00089     short draw_feature_boundaries;
00090     short draw_shorelines;
00091     short draw_feature_names;
00092     short draw_meridians;       /* Draw latitude/longitude in view */
00093     short meridian_interval;    /* Spacing of meridians in arc minutes */
00094     short lat_label_lon_interval;
00095     short lon_label_lat_interval;
00096     short draw_ai;              /* Draw AI info in view */
00097     short draw_occupants;       /* Draw unit occupants using grouping boxes */
00098 } VP;
00100 typedef struct a_legend {
00101     int ox, oy;                 /* starting point */
00102     int dx, dy;                 /* displacement */
00103     float angle, dist;          /* polar displacement (redundant, but useful) */
00104 } Legend;
00106 typedef struct a_line_segment {
00107     int sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2;
00108 } LineSegment;
00110 #define REDRAW_CHAR '\001'
00111 #define ESCAPE_CHAR '\033'
00113 #ifdef MAC_TCL
00114 #define BACKSPACE_CHAR 0x7B
00115 #define DELETE_CHAR 0x7B
00116 #else
00117 #define BACKSPACE_CHAR '\010'
00118 #define DELETE_CHAR 0x7f
00119 #endif
00121 #define m_terrain_visible(vp, x, y) \
00122   ((vp)->show_all || terrain_visible(dside, (x), (y)))
00124 #define m_seen_border(vp, x, y, b) \
00125   ((vp)->show_all || seen_border(dside, (x), (y), (b)))
00127 /* Always redraw cells outside the area, that is the window background. */
00129 #define cell_style(vp, x, y)  \
00130   ((m_terrain_visible(vp, x, y) || unseen_image != NULL || !in_area(x, y))  \
00131    ? (vp->power >= 3 ? usepolygons : useblocks)  \
00132    : dontdraw);
00134 #define cell_overlay(vp, x, y)  \
00135   ((dside->designer && !(vp)->show_all) \
00136    ? ((terrain_view(dside, x, y) == UNSEEN) ? -2 : 0)  \
00137    : (!dside->see_all && (vp)->draw_cover  \
00138       ? (cover(dside, x, y) == 0  \
00139          ? -1  \
00140          : ((vp)->draw_lighting ? (night_at(x, y) ? -2 : 0) : 0))  \
00141       : ((vp)->draw_lighting  \
00142           ? (night_at(x, y) ? -2 : 0)  \
00143           : 0)))
00145 #define cell_terrain(vp, x, y)  \
00146    ((!in_area(x, y)) ? BACKTTYPE :  \
00147    (((vp)->show_all || dside->designer) \
00148    ? terrain_at(x, y)  \
00149    : (m_terrain_visible(vp, x, y)  \
00150           ? vterrain(terrain_view(dside, x, y))  \
00151           : NONTTYPE)))
00153 extern Side *dside;
00155 extern short mags[], hws[], hhs[], hcs[], halfsides[], uws[], uhs[];
00157 extern short iws[], ihs[], ics[], ix1[], ix2[];
00159 extern short bwid[], bwid2[], cwid[];
00161 extern short bsx[NUMPOWERS][7], bsy[NUMPOWERS][7];
00162 extern short lsx[NUMPOWERS][6], lsy[NUMPOWERS][6];
00164 extern short ibsx[NUMPOWERS][7], ibsy[NUMPOWERS][7];
00165 extern short ilsx[NUMPOWERS][6], ilsy[NUMPOWERS][6];
00167 extern short qx[NUMPOWERS][7], qy[NUMPOWERS][7];
00169 extern char *dirchars;
00171 /* How much space to leave for a unit image, if all images should get
00172    the same amount (such as for a list of unit types). Currently used
00173    only by the X11 interface. */
00175 extern int min_w_for_unit_image;
00176 extern int min_h_for_unit_image;
00178 extern int *numuimages;
00180 extern ImageFamily **uimages;
00181 extern ImageFamily *unseen_image;
00182 extern ImageFamily *generic_transition;
00183 extern ImageFamily *generic_fuzz;
00185 extern char *terrchars;
00186 extern char *unitchars;
00187 extern char unseen_char_1, unseen_char_2;
00189 extern Module **possible_games;
00191 extern int numgames;
00193 extern void (*imf_describe_hook)(Side *side, Image *img);
00195 extern int big_unit_images;
00197 /* Function declarations. */
00199 extern void collect_possible_games(void);
00200 extern void add_to_possible_games(Module *module);
00202 extern VP *new_vp(void);
00204 extern void xform_cell(VP *vp, int x, int y, int *sxp, int *syp);
00205 extern void xform_cell_top(VP *vp, int x, int y, int *sxp, int *syp);
00206 extern void xform_cell_fractional(VP *vp, int x, int y, int xf, int yf,
00207                                   int *sxp, int *syp);
00208 extern void xform_unit(VP *vp, Unit *unit,
00209                        int *sxp, int *syp, int *swp, int *shp);
00210 extern void xform_unit_self(VP *vp, Unit *unit,
00211                             int *sxp, int *syp, int *swp, int *shp);
00212 extern int xform_unit_self_view(Side *side, VP *vp, UnitView *uview,
00213                                 int *sxp, int *syp, int *swp, int *shp);
00214 extern void xform_occupant(VP *vp, Unit *transport, Unit *unit,
00215                            int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh,
00216                            int *sxp, int *syp, int *swp, int *shp);
00217 extern void xform_occupant_view(VP *vp, UnitView *traview, UnitView *uview,
00218                            int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh,
00219                            int *sxp, int *syp, int *swp, int *shp);
00220 #if (0)
00221 extern void xform_unit_view(Side *side, VP *vp, UnitView *uview,
00222                             int *sxp, int *syp, int *swp, int *shp);
00223 #endif
00224 extern int xform_unit_view(Side *side, VP *vp, UnitView *uview,
00225                             int *sxp, int *syp, int *swp, int *shp, 
00226                             int flags = XFORM_UVIEW_LEGACY, 
00227                             int *piles = NULL, int sxt = -1, int syt = -1, 
00228                             int swt = -1, int sht = -1);
00229 extern void xform_cell_flat(VP *vp, int x, int y, int *sxp, int *syp);
00230 extern void xform_cell_fractional_flat(VP *vp, int x, int y, int xf, int yf,
00231                                        int *sxp, int *syp);
00232 extern void scale_vp(VP *vp, VP *vp2, int *sxp, int *syp, int *swp, int *shp);
00233 extern void scale_point(VP *vp, VP *vp2, int sx, int sy, int *sx2p, int *sy2p);
00235 extern int nearest_cell(VP *vp, int sx, int sy, int *xp, int *yp,
00236                         int *xfp, int *yfp);
00237 extern int nearest_boundary(VP *vp, int sx, int sy, int *xp, int *yp,
00238                             int *dirp);
00239 extern int nearest_unit(Side *side, VP *vp, int sx, int sy, Unit **unitp);
00240 extern int nearest_unit_view(Side *side, VP *vp, int sx, int sy,
00241                              UnitView **uviewp);
00243 extern int cell_is_visible(VP *vp, int x, int y);
00244 extern int cell_is_in_middle(VP *vp, int x, int y);
00246 extern int set_view_size(VP *vp, int w, int h);
00247 extern int set_view_position(VP *vp, int sx, int sy);
00248 extern int set_view_power(VP *vp, int power);
00249 extern int set_view_angle(VP *vp, int angle);
00250 extern int set_view_isometric(VP *vp, int flag, int scale);
00251 extern int set_view_direction(VP *vp, int dir);
00252 extern int set_view_focus(VP *vp, int x, int y);
00253 extern void center_on_focus(VP *vp);
00254 extern void focus_on_center(VP *vp);
00256 extern void free_vp(VP *vp);
00258 extern int compute_x1_len(VP *vp, int vx, int vy, int y, int *x1p, int *lenp);
00259 extern int any_borders_in_dir(int x, int y, int dir);
00260 extern int any_coating_at(int x, int y);
00261 extern int compute_transition(Side *side, VP *vp, int x, int y, int dir,
00262                               int *sxp, int *syp, int *swp, int *shp,
00263                               int *offsetp);
00265 extern void compute_fire_line_segment(int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2,
00266                                       int i, int n, int *xx, int *yy,
00267                                       int *dx, int *dy);
00268 extern void place_feature_legends(Legend *leg, int nf, Side *side,
00269                                   int orient, int block);
00270 extern void set_meridian_interval(VP *vp, int interval);
00271 extern void plot_meridians
00272  (VP *vp,
00273   void (*line_callback)(int x1, int y1, int x1f, int y1f,
00274                         int x2, int y2, int x2f, int y2f),
00275   void (*text_callback)(int x1, int y1, int x1f, int y1f, char *str));
00276 extern void set_contour_interval(VP *vp, int n);
00277 extern void contour_lines_at(VP *vp, int x, int y, int sx, int sy,
00278                              LineSegment **lines, int *numlinesp);
00279 extern int unit_visible(Side *side, VP *vp, Unit *unit);
00280 extern int draw_temperature_here(Side *side, int x, int y);
00281 extern int draw_winds_here(Side *side, int x, int y);
00283 extern void oneliner(Side *side, VP *vp, int sx, int sy);
00285 extern Unit *find_unit_or_occ(Side *side, VP *vp, Unit *unit,
00286                               int usx, int usy, int usw, int ush,
00287                               int sx, int sy);
00288 extern Unit *find_unit_at(Side *side, VP *vp, int x, int y, int sx, int sy);
00290 extern UnitView *find_uview_at_pixel(
00291     Side *side, VP *vp, UnitView *uview, int usx, int usy, int usw, int ush,
00292     int sx, int sy);
00294 extern UnitView *find_uview_at_pixel(
00295     Side *side, VP *vp, int x, int y, int sx, int sy);
00297 extern void pick_a_focus(Side *side, int *xp, int *yp);
00299 extern Unit *autonext_unit(Side *side, Unit *unit);
00300 extern Unit *autonext_unit_inbox(Side *side, Unit *unit, VP *vp);
00301 extern int could_be_next_unit(Unit *unit);
00303 extern Unit *find_next_occupant(Unit *unit);
00304 extern Unit *embarkation_unit(Unit *unit);
00305 extern int find_units_matching(Side *side, char *name, Unit **unitp);
00307 extern int num_active_displays(void);
00309 extern int char_to_dir(int ch, int *dir1p, int *dir2p, int *modp);
00310 extern int advance_into_cell(Side *side, Unit *unit, int x, int y,
00311                              Unit *other, HistEventType *reason);
00313 extern int unit_could_attack(Unit *unit, int u2, Side *side2, int x, int y);
00315 extern Unit *give_supplies(Unit *unit, short *amts, short *rslts);
00316 extern int take_supplies(Unit *unit, short *amts, short *rslts);
00318 extern int impl_move_to(Side *side, Unit *unit, int x, int y, int dist);
00319 extern int impl_build(
00320     Side *side, Unit *unit, int u2, Unit *transport, int x, int y, int n);
00321 extern int impl_change_type(Side *side, Unit *unit, int u2);
00322 extern int favored_type(Unit *unit);
00324 extern void set_unit_image(Unit *unit);
00325 extern void set_unit_view_image(UnitView *uview);
00327 extern ImageFamily *get_unit_type_images(Side *side, int u);
00328 extern ImageFamily *get_material_type_images(Side *side, int m);
00329 extern ImageFamily *get_terrain_type_images(Side *side, int t);
00330 extern ImageFamily *get_unseen_images(Side *side);
00331 extern ImageFamily *get_emblem_images(Side *side, Side *side2);
00333 extern void record_imf_get(ImageFamily *imf);
00335 extern void describe_imf(Side *side, char *classname, char *imftype,
00336                          ImageFamily *imf);
00338 extern void init_ui_chars(void);
00339 extern void init_unit_images(Side *side);
00340 extern void dump_text_view(Side *side, int use_both);
00342 extern int terrain_seen_at(Side *side, int x, int y);
00343 extern Unit *unit_seen_at(Side *side, int x, int y);
00344 extern int utype_seen_at(Side *side, int x, int y);
00346 /* cmd.c */
00348 extern char *cmdargstr;
00349 extern char tmpkey;
00351 extern HelpNode *key_commands_help_node;
00352 extern HelpNode *long_commands_help_node;
00353 extern HelpNode *map_help_node;
00355 /* Declarations of all the command functions. */
00357 #undef DEF_CMD
00358 #define DEF_CMD(letter,name,FN,help) \
00359   void FN(Side *side);
00361 #include "cmd.def"
00363 extern void execute_command(Side *side, int ch);
00364 extern void execute_long_command(Side *side, char *cmdstr);
00365 extern void parse_long_name_command(char *cmdstr, int *prefixp,
00366                                     char **namep, char **argp, char *buf);
00367 extern void describe_key_commands(int arg, char *key, TextBuffer *buf);
00368 extern void describe_long_commands(int arg, char *key, TextBuffer *buf);

Generated on Sat Sep 17 10:28:53 2005 for XconqKernel by doxygen 1.3.6