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a_module Struct Reference

Module. More...

#include <module.h>

Collaboration diagram for a_module:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Attributes

char * name
char * title
char * picturename
char * basemodulename
char * defaultbasemodulename
char * basegame
char * version
char * origmodulename
char * origversion
char * contents
char * sp
char * filename
FILE * fp
int startlineno
int endlineno
short def_all
short def_types
short def_tables
short compress_tables
short def_globals
short def_scoring
short def_world
short def_areas
short def_area_terrain
short def_area_misc
short def_area_weather
short def_area_material
short compress_layers
short def_sides
short def_side_views
short def_side_doctrines
short def_players
short def_units
short def_unit_ids
short def_unit_props
short def_unit_acts
short def_unit_plans
short def_history
short maybe_reshape
int subarea_width
int subarea_height
int subarea_x
int subarea_y
int final_subarea_width
int final_subarea_height
int final_subarea_x
int final_subarea_y
int final_width
int final_height
int final_circumference
short open
short loaded

Detailed Description


A file module records relevant info about the module, what it included, how to write it out, etc.

Member Data Documentation

char* a_module::basegame

what general game this is based on

char* a_module::basemodulename

name of the module that this one includes

Obj* a_module::blurb

game blurb

short a_module::compress_layers

true if layer data should be compressed when written

short a_module::compress_tables

true if tables should be compressed when written

char* a_module::contents

short a_module::def_all

true if all data is to be written out (define all).

short a_module::def_area_material

define area materials.

short a_module::def_area_misc

define area miscellaneous.

short a_module::def_area_terrain

define area terrain.

short a_module::def_area_weather

define area weather.

short a_module::def_areas

define areas.

short a_module::def_globals

define globals.

short a_module::def_history

define history.

short a_module::def_players

define players.

short a_module::def_scoring

define scoring.

short a_module::def_side_doctrines

define side doctrines.

short a_module::def_side_views

define side views.

short a_module::def_sides

define sides.

short a_module::def_tables

define tables.

short a_module::def_types

define types.

short a_module::def_unit_acts

define unit actions.

short a_module::def_unit_ids

define unit ids.

short a_module::def_unit_plans

define unit plans.

short a_module::def_unit_props

define unit properties.

short a_module::def_units

define units.

short a_module::def_world

define world.

char* a_module::defaultbasemodulename

what game to load if something missing

Obj* a_module::designnotes

designer notes

int a_module::endlineno

line number being read at end of form

char* a_module::filename

the filename

int a_module::final_circumference

Final circumference.

int a_module::final_height

Final height.

int a_module::final_subarea_height

Final Sub Area Height.

int a_module::final_subarea_width

Final Sub Area Width.

int a_module::final_subarea_x

Final Sub Area x.

int a_module::final_subarea_y

Final Sub Area y.

int a_module::final_width

Final width.

FILE* a_module::fp

the stdio file buffer

struct a_module* a_module::include

pointer to first included module

Obj* a_module::instructions

basic instructions

struct a_module* a_module::lastinclude

pointer to last included module

short a_module::loaded

true if already loaded

short a_module::maybe_reshape

true if going to save diff shape of area

char* a_module::name

the actual unique name of the module

struct a_module* a_module::next

pointer to next module

struct a_module* a_module::nextinclude

pointer to next included module

Obj* a_module::notes

player notes

short a_module::open

true if currently open

char* a_module::origmodulename

module this was originally (before save)

Variant* a_module::origvariants

variants chosen for the original module

char* a_module::origversion

the version of the original module

char* a_module::picturename

name of a descriptive image

char* a_module::sp

"string pointer" a la file pointer

int a_module::startlineno

line number being read at start of form

int a_module::subarea_height

Sub Area height.

int a_module::subarea_width

Syb Area wudth.

int a_module::subarea_x

Sub Area x.

int a_module::subarea_y

Sub Area y.

char* a_module::title

a readable display name

Variant* a_module::variants

array of player-choosable variants

char* a_module::version

the version of this module

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sat Sep 17 10:30:09 2005 for XconqKernel by doxygen 1.3.6