#include <side.h>
Collaboration diagram for a_side:
Each Xconq player is a "side" - more or less one country. A side may or may not be played by a person, and may or may not have a display attached to it. Each side has a different view of the world. Side 0 is for independant units.
action priority for each unit type relationship |
vector of acting units |
This is an adjective that can be used of individuals on the side, as in "Spanish". Defaults to "", which suppresses use of the adjective. As a complete example, a side named "Poland" would have a long name "Kingdom of Poland", short name "Po", noun "Pole", plural noun "Poles", and adjective "Polish". |
State of research (accum pts) for each Advance. Set to -1 when completed. relationship |
actual advantage setup |
pointer to the AI making decisions |
true if AI may draw or resign on its own relationship |
readable/writable form of AI state |
type of AI making decisions |
chance that other units already seen relationship |
chance that independent units already seen relationship |
indicates minimum altitude visible |
array of counts of attacks by units |
turn done when all units acted status |
TRUE if next research topic autoselected relationship |
ptr to view of aux terrain view |
ptr to dates of view of aux terrain view |
true when side state not saveable |
material conversion rates relationship |
vector of unit types that side has advances to build |
vector of unit types that side has transports to carry |
vector of unit types that side has advances to develop |
vector of advances that side has advances to research |
ptr to view of cloud bottoms view |
ptr to view of cloud heights view |
ptr to view of clouds view |
ptr to dates of view of clouds view |
This is a comma-separated list of colors that represents the side. Defaults to "black". |
side controlling this one relationship |
id of controlling side relationship |
List of utypes that side can act with.
List of utypes that side is restricted to constructing.
List of utypes that side is restricted to developing.
List of atypes that side is restricted to researching.
array of numbers for identifying units relationship |
indicates how many looking at this cell |
pointer to current unit acting. status |
Id of current unit acting. status |
index in actionvector to current unit status |
default color used in the absence of emblems and at low magnifications name |
fallback Doctrine relationship |
true if all doctrines locked relationship |
This property is the name of a graphical icon that represents the side. An emblem name of "none" suppresses any emblem display for the side. Defaults to "", which gives the side a randomly-selected emblem. |
true if side ever participated in a turn status |
This specifies which namers to use with which geographical features in the side's initial country (if if has one). |
??? |
true when side wants to go to next turn status |
array of counts of unit gains by the side |
array of damage done by unit attacks |
a unique id |
true if side participating in game status |
center of preferred initial view, xsetup |
center of preferred initial view, ysetup |
tech level at beginning of turn relationship |
notes to player about the game setup |
true if side knows about another side relationship |
last turn during which notice was posted |
Pointer to last a_standing_order "Standing Order" in list relationship |
??? |
when clock started counting down again |
This is the long form of a side's name, as in "People's Republic of Hyperborea". Defaults to be the same as the side's name. |
array of counts of losses by the side |
Pointer to side's master AI struct.
ptr to view of cell materials view |
ptr to dates of view of cell materials view |
max of same setup |
True if the value of show_all can be changed by the player. This is normally off, but can be toggled while designing or after the game is over. |
min advantage requestable during init setup |
This is the proper name of a side, as a country or alliance name. Examples include "Axis" and "Hyperborea". |
True if names may not be changed by player. |
pointer to next in list |
This is the name of an individual unit or person belonging to the side. Defaults to "", which suppresses any mention of the side when (textually) describing the individual. |
number of units that can do things |
number of units that have finished acting |
number of units the side has |
number of units waiting to get orders |
list of a_standing_order "Standing Orders" for the side relationship |
pointer to data about the player |
numeric id of the player |
This is what you would call a group of individuals. Defaults to the most common plural form of the noun (in English, the default pluralizer adds an "s"), so any alternative plural noun, such as "Chinese", will need an explicit plural-noun value. |
current score. ??? |
true if point_value_cache is valid. ??? |
list of Units to give to side relationship |
cache of UI prefixarg, for generic cmds |
overall action priority of this side status |
pointer to AI data if remote |
score data as read from file status |
how long to wait before just going ahead |
Research goal for the side. |
Vector of advances that can no longer be researched by the side because they have been precluded by other researched advances. |
Advance that the side is working on relationship |
pointer to interface data if remote |
array of scores managed by scorekeepers status |
True if the side sees everything. Right now this is just a cache for g_see_all(). Note in particular that becoming a designer should not change this value. |
This identifies a unit that represents the side itself. The value may be a unit id, number, string, or symbol. Defaults to 0, which means that no unit represents the side. See selfUnit for more information. |
Id of the self_unit. |
This is an short name or acronym for the side, often just the letters of the long name, as in "PRH". |
True if the side's interface should display everything. This is seeded from side->see_all, and also becomes true when designing or when the game is over. |
This is a side's class, which is a keyword that characterizes the side. Any number of sides may be in the same class. |
after this time, beep to signal next turn |
how many units of each type at start of game relationship |
approx center of side's "country" |
-1/0/1 for lost/draw/won status |
a symbol bound to side's id |
tech level for each unit type relationship |
ptr to view of temperature view |
ptr to dates of view of temperature view |
ptr to view of terrain view |
ptr to dates of view of terrain view |
total timeouts used status |
total timeouts used status |
total seconds used status |
true if side trades with another side. relationship |
globally available supply of each material type relationship |
true if side trusts another side relationship |
real time when we've finished interacting |
real time at start of turn |
seconds used this turn status |
vector of types allowed on this side (as determined by u_possible_sides) |
array of per-unit-type a_doctrine "Doctrines" relationship |
pointer to all the user interface data |
read/write form of user interface state |
true if unit view was read in |
ptr to table of views of units view |
points to list of all units on this side |
This specifies which namers will be used with which types that the side starts out with or creates new units. These will not be run automatically on captured units or gifts. |
bit vector of types that have orders relationship |
will this side go along with quitters? status |
will this side go along with saving game? |
ptr to view of winds view |
ptr to dates of view of winds view |