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a_player Struct Reference

Player. More...

#include <player.h>

Collaboration diagram for a_player:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Attributes

short id
char * name
char * configname
char * displayname
char * aitypename
short advantage
char * remotewanted
char * password
int rid

Detailed Description


This structure holds the player information.

Member Data Documentation

short a_player::advantage

player's desired initial advantage

char* a_player::aitypename

name of an AI type

char* a_player::configname

name of a particular configuration

char* a_player::displayname

name of the desired display

short a_player::id

unique id for the player

char* a_player::name

proper name of the player

struct a_player* a_player::next

pointer to the next Player

char* a_player::password

encrypted password of the player

char* a_player::remotewanted

name of remote desired for player

int a_player::rid

identifier of the player's program

struct a_side* a_player::side

the Side being played

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sat Sep 17 10:30:13 2005 for XconqKernel by doxygen 1.3.6