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Xconq Namespace Reference


typedef signed char Z8
typedef unsigned char Byte
typedef short Z16
typedef unsigned short Z16u
typedef int Z32
typedef unsigned int Z32u
typedef long long Z64
typedef unsigned long long Z64u
typedef Z64u ActionMask
 An action mask can hold 64 types of actions.

typedef short DiceRep
 Internal dice representation. Two bytes.


void dice1_desc (char *buf, DiceRep dice)
 Get Type 1 dice spec from internal dice representation.

void dice2_desc (char *buf, DiceRep dice)
 Get Type 2 dice spec from internal dice representation.

Z32 dice1_roll_min (DiceRep dice)
 Minimum value from Type 1 dice.

Z32 dice2_roll_min (DiceRep dice)
 Minimum value from Type 2 dice.

Z32 dice1_roll_mean (DiceRep dice)
 Mean value from Type 1 dice.

Z32 dice2_roll_mean (DiceRep dice)
 Mean value from Type 2 dice.

Z32 dice1_roll_max (DiceRep dice)
 Maximum value from Type 1 dice.

Z32 dice2_roll_max (DiceRep dice)
 Maximum value from Type 2 dice.

Z32 roll_dice1 (DiceRep dice)
 Roll Type 1 dice.

Z32 roll_dice2 (DiceRep dice)
 Roll Type 2 dice.

DiceRep multiply_dice1 (DiceRep dice, int mult)
 Scale Type 1 dice by a percentage.

DiceRep multiply_dice2 (DiceRep dice, int mult)
 Scale Type 2 dice by a percentage.


int * cv__acp_max_wo_effects = NULL
 Cache for maximum ACP of utypes without enhancing effects.

int * cv__acp_per_turn_max_wo_effects = NULL
 Cache for maximum ACP per turn of utypes without enhancing effects.

int * cv__speed_max_wo_effects = NULL
 Cache for maximum speed of utypes without enhancing effects.

int * cv__mp_per_turn_max = NULL
 Cache for maximum MP per turn of utypes.

int ** cv__moves_per_turn_max_on_t = NULL
 Cache of maximum moves utypes can make per turn on t.

int *** cv__move_range_max_on_t_with_m = NULL
 Cache of max movement range of u if producing m on t.

int ** cv__move_range_max_on_t = NULL
 Cache of max movement range of u on t.

int suppress_reactions = FALSE
short any_hp_recovery = FALSE
 Any hp-recovery in game?

short any_auto_repair = FALSE
 Any auto-repair in game?

short * cv__could_be_auto_repaired = NULL
 Could utype be auto-repaired by at least one utype?

short * cv__auto_repaired_range_max = NULL
 Out to what range could utype be auto-repaired?

Unitauto_repair_unit = NULL
 Temp pointer to unit to be auto-repaired.

int people_always_see
int any_people_see_chances = -1
int any_see_chances = -1
int max_see_chance_range
int any_see_mistake_chances = -1
int max_see_mistake_range
int any_overwatch_cache = -1
PackedBoolTableany_overwatch_chances = NULL
int * overwatch_against_range_max = NULL
int * overwatch_against_range_min = NULL
int host_is_localhost = FALSE

Typedef Documentation

typedef Z64u Xconq::ActionMask

An action mask can hold 64 types of actions.

typedef unsigned char Xconq::Byte

typedef short Xconq::DiceRep

Internal dice representation. Two bytes.

typedef short Xconq::Z16

typedef unsigned short Xconq::Z16u

typedef int Xconq::Z32

typedef unsigned int Xconq::Z32u

typedef long long Xconq::Z64

typedef unsigned long long Xconq::Z64u

typedef signed char Xconq::Z8

Function Documentation

void Xconq::dice1_desc char *  buf,
DiceRep  dice

Get Type 1 dice spec from internal dice representation.

Z32 Xconq::dice1_roll_max DiceRep  dice  ) 

Maximum value from Type 1 dice.

Z32 Xconq::dice1_roll_mean DiceRep  dice  ) 

Mean value from Type 1 dice.

Z32 Xconq::dice1_roll_min DiceRep  dice  ) 

Minimum value from Type 1 dice.

void Xconq::dice2_desc char *  buf,
DiceRep  dice

Get Type 2 dice spec from internal dice representation.

Z32 Xconq::dice2_roll_max DiceRep  dice  ) 

Maximum value from Type 2 dice.

Z32 Xconq::dice2_roll_mean DiceRep  dice  ) 

Mean value from Type 2 dice.

Z32 Xconq::dice2_roll_min DiceRep  dice  ) 

Minimum value from Type 2 dice.

DiceRep Xconq::multiply_dice1 DiceRep  dice,
int  mult

Scale Type 1 dice by a percentage.

DiceRep Xconq::multiply_dice2 DiceRep  dice,
int  mult

Scale Type 2 dice by a percentage.

Z32 Xconq::roll_dice1 DiceRep  dice  ) 

Roll Type 1 dice.

Z32 Xconq::roll_dice2 DiceRep  dice  ) 

Roll Type 2 dice.

Variable Documentation

short Xconq::any_auto_repair = FALSE

Any auto-repair in game?

short Xconq::any_hp_recovery = FALSE

Any hp-recovery in game?

int Xconq::any_overwatch_cache = -1

PackedBoolTable* Xconq::any_overwatch_chances = NULL

int Xconq::any_people_see_chances = -1

int Xconq::any_see_chances = -1

int Xconq::any_see_mistake_chances = -1

Unit* Xconq::auto_repair_unit = NULL

Temp pointer to unit to be auto-repaired.

int * Xconq::cv__acp_max_wo_effects = NULL

Cache for maximum ACP of utypes without enhancing effects.

int * Xconq::cv__acp_per_turn_max_wo_effects = NULL

Cache for maximum ACP per turn of utypes without enhancing effects.

short * Xconq::cv__auto_repaired_range_max = NULL

Out to what range could utype be auto-repaired?

short * Xconq::cv__could_be_auto_repaired = NULL

Could utype be auto-repaired by at least one utype?

int ** Xconq::cv__move_range_max_on_t = NULL

Cache of max movement range of u on t.

int *** Xconq::cv__move_range_max_on_t_with_m = NULL

Cache of max movement range of u if producing m on t.

int ** Xconq::cv__moves_per_turn_max_on_t = NULL

Cache of maximum moves utypes can make per turn on t.

int * Xconq::cv__mp_per_turn_max = NULL

Cache for maximum MP per turn of utypes.

int * Xconq::cv__speed_max_wo_effects = NULL

Cache for maximum speed of utypes without enhancing effects.

int Xconq::host_is_localhost = FALSE

int Xconq::max_see_chance_range

int Xconq::max_see_mistake_range

int* Xconq::overwatch_against_range_max = NULL

int* Xconq::overwatch_against_range_min = NULL

int Xconq::people_always_see

int Xconq::suppress_reactions = FALSE

Generated on Sat Sep 17 10:31:28 2005 for XconqKernel by doxygen 1.3.6