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a_vp Struct Reference

#include <ui.h>

Collaboration diagram for a_vp:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Attributes

int sx
int sy
int totsw
int totsh
int sxmin
int symin
int sxmax
int symax
short pxw
short pxh
short power
short mag
short vcx
short vcy
short hw
short hh
short hch
short uw
short uh
short angle
int cellwidth
short vertscale
short isometric
short isodir
short scroll_beyond_dateline
short show_all
short draw_terrain
short * draw_aux_terrain
short draw_grid
short draw_cell_pats
short draw_other_maps
short draw_units
short draw_names
short oldest_to_show
short age_to_fade
short draw_people
short draw_control
short draw_elevations
short num_contours
short contour_interval
short contour_interval_fixed
short * draw_materials
short num_materials_to_draw
short draw_lighting
short draw_temperature
short draw_winds
short draw_clouds
short draw_storms
short draw_plans
short draw_cover
short draw_feature_boundaries
short draw_shorelines
short draw_feature_names
short draw_meridians
short meridian_interval
short lat_label_lon_interval
short lon_label_lat_interval
short draw_ai
short draw_occupants

Member Data Documentation

short a_vp::age_to_fade

short a_vp::angle

int a_vp::cellwidth

short a_vp::contour_interval

short a_vp::contour_interval_fixed

short a_vp::draw_ai

short* a_vp::draw_aux_terrain

short a_vp::draw_cell_pats

short a_vp::draw_clouds

short a_vp::draw_control

short a_vp::draw_cover

short a_vp::draw_elevations

short a_vp::draw_feature_boundaries

short a_vp::draw_feature_names

short a_vp::draw_grid

short a_vp::draw_lighting

short* a_vp::draw_materials

short a_vp::draw_meridians

short a_vp::draw_names

short a_vp::draw_occupants

short a_vp::draw_other_maps

short a_vp::draw_people

short a_vp::draw_plans

short a_vp::draw_shorelines

short a_vp::draw_storms

short a_vp::draw_temperature

short a_vp::draw_terrain

short a_vp::draw_units

short a_vp::draw_winds

short a_vp::hch

short a_vp::hh

short a_vp::hw

short a_vp::isodir

short a_vp::isometric

short a_vp::lat_label_lon_interval

struct a_line_segment* a_vp::linebuf

short a_vp::lon_label_lat_interval

short a_vp::mag

short a_vp::meridian_interval

short a_vp::num_contours

short a_vp::num_materials_to_draw

short a_vp::oldest_to_show

short a_vp::power

short a_vp::pxh

short a_vp::pxw

short a_vp::scroll_beyond_dateline

short a_vp::show_all

int a_vp::sx

int a_vp::sxmax

int a_vp::sxmin

int a_vp::sy

int a_vp::symax

int a_vp::symin

int a_vp::totsh

int a_vp::totsw

short a_vp::uh

short a_vp::uw

short a_vp::vcx

short a_vp::vcy

short a_vp::vertscale

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sat Sep 17 10:30:38 2005 for XconqKernel by doxygen 1.3.6