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a_image Struct Reference

#include <imf.h>

Collaboration diagram for a_image:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Attributes

short w
short h
short istile
short isterrain
short isconnection
short isborder
short istransition
short numsubimages
short subx
short suby
char * embedname
short embedx
short embedy
short embedw
short embedh
short actualw
short actualh
short pixelsize
short orig_pixelsize
short synthetic
char * rawmonodata
char * rawcolrdata
char * rawmaskdata
int * rawpalette
short numcolors
short r
short g
short b
short bboxx
short bboxy
short bboxw
short bboxh
short hexgridx
short hexgridy
char * hook
a_image ** subimages

Detailed Description

An image family is like a Mac Finder icon family, but allows multiple kinds of images of an arbitrary set of sizes. Individual images in a family may have both "lisp" form and "raw" form, the former being used for reading and writing, while the raw form is an intermediary for conversion to and from platform-specific representations.

Member Data Documentation

short a_image::actualh

Actual size of image - height.

short a_image::actualw

Actual Size of image - width.

short a_image::b

Solid color data as RGB values - blue.

short a_image::bboxh

short a_image::bboxw

short a_image::bboxx

short a_image::bboxy

Obj* a_image::colrdata

Color data, in GDL form

short a_image::embedh

Size of space for embedded subimage - height.

char* a_image::embedname

Name of an embedded subimage (imf name)

short a_image::embedw

Size of space for embedded subimage - width.

short a_image::embedx

Position to draw an embedded subimage - x.

short a_image::embedy

Position to draw an embedded subimage - y.

struct a_file_image* a_image::file_image

Pointer to file image

Obj* a_image::filedata

How to find data in a file

short a_image::g

Solid color data as RGB values - green.

short a_image::h

Nominal size of the image - height

short a_image::hexgridx

short a_image::hexgridy

char* a_image::hook

short a_image::isborder

True if image may be used for bords.

short a_image::isconnection

True if image may be used for conns.

short a_image::isterrain

True if image may be used for basic terrain.

short a_image::istile

True if image may be used as tile

short a_image::istransition

True if image is a transition.

Obj* a_image::maskdata

Mask data, in GDL form

Obj* a_image::monodata

Monochrome data, in GDL form

struct a_image* a_image::next

Obj* a_image::notes

designer notes about the image

short a_image::numcolors

Number of colors in raw palette

short a_image::numsubimages

Number of sub images.

short a_image::orig_pixelsize

Pixels before modification

Obj* a_image::palette

Color palette, in list form

short a_image::pixelsize

Number of bits per pixel

short a_image::r

Solid color data as RGB values - red.

char* a_image::rawcolrdata

Color data, as array of bytes

char* a_image::rawmaskdata

Mask data, as array of bytes

char* a_image::rawmonodata

Monochrome data, as array of bytes

int* a_image::rawpalette

Color palette, in raw form

struct a_image** a_image::subimages

short a_image::subx

Subimage x.

short a_image::suby

Subimage y.

short a_image::synthetic

True if image was computed

short a_image::w

Nominal size of the image - width

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sat Sep 17 10:30:05 2005 for XconqKernel by doxygen 1.3.6