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config.h File Reference

Configuration-related definitions for Xconq. More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "snprintf.h"
#include "timestuff.h"
#include <assert.h>

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namespace  Xconq


#define offsetof(TYPE, FLD)   ((unsigned int) (((char *) (&(((TYPE *) NULL)->FLD))) - ((char *) NULL)))
#define INT_MAX   2147483647
#define INT_MIN   (-INT_MAX -1)
#define NEWSFILE   "XconqNews"
 News file.

#define SCOREFILE   "XconqScores"
 Scores file.

#define OLD_SCOREFILE   "scores.xcq"
#define STATSFILE   "XconqStats"
 Statistics file.

#define SAVEFILE   "Save.xcq"
 Save file.

#define CHECKPOINTFILE   "check.xcq"
 Checkpoint file.

#define ERRORFILE   "ErrorSave.xcq"
 Error save file.

#define PREFERENCESFILE   "XconqPrefs"
 preferences file.

#define OLD_PREFERENCESFILE   "prefs.xcq"
#define STANDARD_GAME   "standard"
 Default game.

#define INTRO_GAME   "intro"
 Introductory game file.

#define DEFAULTWIDTH   60
 Default world width.

#define DEFAULTHEIGHT   30
 Default world height.

 Default world circumference.

#define MAXSIDES   15
 Absolute maximum number of sides that can play.

#define MAXAITYPES   10
 Maximum numbers of types of AIs.

#define BUFSIZE   255
 Default string buffer size.

#define BLURBSIZE   480
 Default string buffer size.

#define PATH_SIZE   8192
 Default path buffer size.

#define TBUFSIZE   300
 Default buffer size for the tprintf() family.

#define RUDE
 Message rudeness.

 Design mode availability.

 DEBUG flag.

Detailed Description

Configuration-related definitions for Xconq.

This file has definitions that can be tweaked for local preferences. In general, there will not be any need to touch these.

System dependencies can also go here, although it is much preferable to write things so that they are not needed in the first place.

Define Documentation

#define BLURBSIZE   480

Default string buffer size.

The game blurb must be able to fit in statically allocated buffers of this size.

#define BUFSIZE   255

Default string buffer size.

All names, phrases, and messages must be able to fit in statically allocated buffers of this size.

#define CHECKPOINTFILE   "check.xcq"

Checkpoint file.


DEBUG flag.

If defined, some (actually a lot) debugging code will be included.


Default world circumference.

If this matches the default width, then the game area wraps around in x; otherwise it will be a polygon.

#define DEFAULTHEIGHT   30

Default world height.

See also:

#define DEFAULTWIDTH   60

Default world width.

Default random world size. Adjust these to taste - for the standard game, 60x60 is a moderate length game, 30x30 is short, 360x120 is L-O-N-G ! (Remember to multiply the two numbers to get an idea of the number of cells that will be in the world!) Defaults can also be set by modules explicitly, so this is really a "default default" :-) .


Design mode availability.

If defined, then an editing mode is available. This is also a powerful way to cheat, which is why it can be disabled.

#define ERRORFILE   "ErrorSave.xcq"

Error save file.

#define INT_MAX   2147483647

#define INT_MIN   (-INT_MAX -1)

#define INTRO_GAME   "intro"

Introductory game file.

#define MAXAITYPES   10

Maximum numbers of types of AIs.

#define MAXSIDES   15

Absolute maximum number of sides that can play.

This cannot be set higher than 30 without hacking up side mask machinery. Smaller values will incur fewer assorted memory penalties, and in any case games with lots of sides don't usually play very well.

IMPORTANT! The actual number of sides, including the independents (side 0) is MAXSIDES + 1. All arrays should be allocated accordingly: foo[MAXSIDES + 1].

#define NEWSFILE   "XconqNews"

News file.

#define offsetof TYPE,
FLD   )     ((unsigned int) (((char *) (&(((TYPE *) NULL)->FLD))) - ((char *) NULL)))

#define OLD_PREFERENCESFILE   "prefs.xcq"

#define OLD_SCOREFILE   "scores.xcq"

#define PATH_SIZE   8192

Default path buffer size.

All path names must be able to fit in statically allocated buffers of this size.

#define PREFERENCESFILE   "XconqPrefs"

preferences file.

#define RUDE

Message rudeness.

When defined, messages will be somewhat nastier. Set this to be appropriate for your intended audience, heh-heh :-)

#define SAVEFILE   "Save.xcq"

Save file.

#define SCOREFILE   "XconqScores"

Scores file.

#define STANDARD_GAME   "standard"

Default game.

#define STATSFILE   "XconqStats"

Statistics file.

#define TBUFSIZE   300

Default buffer size for the tprintf() family.

The concatenating printf() functions must only fill a buffer up to this size.

Generated on Sat Sep 17 10:29:05 2005 for XconqKernel by doxygen 1.3.6