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init.c File Reference

#include "conq.h"
#include "kernel.h"
#include "version.h"

Include dependency graph for init.c:

Include dependency graph


namespace  Xconq


struct  synthtype


void init_library_path (char *path)
void add_library_path (char *path)
void init_data_structures (void)
Objg_synth_methods_default (void)
void start_game_load_stage (void)
void start_variant_setup_stage (void)
void start_player_pre_setup_stage (void)
void start_player_setup_stage (void)
void start_game_ready_stage (void)
void check_game_validity (void)
void finalize_scorekeepers (void)
void calculate_globals (void)
void make_trial_assignments (void)
int indepside_needed (void)
Sidemake_up_a_side (void)
int add_side_and_player (void)
void set_player_advantage (int n, int newadv)
void rename_side_for_player (int n, int which)
void set_ai_for_player (int n, char *aitype)
int exchange_players (int n, int n2)
void return_default_colorname (Side *side)
int remove_side_and_player (int s)
void run_synth_methods (void)
int get_synth_method_uses (int methkey, int *calls, int *runs)
void final_init (void)
int already_seen_chance (Side *side, Unit *unit)
void init_supply (Unit *unit)
void assign_players_to_sides (void)
void prealloc_debug (void)
char * version_string (void)
char * copyright_string (void)
char * license_string (void)


int gamedefined = FALSE
 Game defined flag.

enum setup_stage current_stage = initial_stage
 Current setup stage.

short tmputype
 Temporary Unit type.

short tmpmtype
 Temporary Material type.

short tmpttype
 Temporary Terrain type.

short tmpatype
 Temporary Advance type.

Assignassignments = NULL
 List of player/side assignments.

short initially_no_ai
char * standard_game_name
char spbuf [BUFSIZE]

char tmpbuf [BUFSIZE]

int option_popup_new_game_dialog
int allbedesigners = FALSE
 All players are designers.

int numdesigners = 0
int max_zoc_range
 Maximum zone of control range.

short * u_possible
 Unit posible.

synthtype synthmethods []
int G_advances_graph_has_cycles = FALSE
PackedBoolTableG_advances_synopsis = NULL
int nextsideid
int nextplayerid

Function Documentation

void add_library_path char *  path  ) 

int add_side_and_player void   ) 

int already_seen_chance Side side,
Unit unit

void assign_players_to_sides void   ) 

void calculate_globals void   ) 

void check_game_validity void   ) 

char* copyright_string void   ) 

int exchange_players int  n,
int  n2

void final_init void   ) 

void finalize_scorekeepers void   ) 

Obj* g_synth_methods_default void   ) 

int get_synth_method_uses int  methkey,
int *  calls,
int *  runs

int indepside_needed void   ) 

void init_data_structures void   ) 

void init_library_path char *  path  ) 

void init_supply Unit unit  ) 

char* license_string void   ) 

void make_trial_assignments void   ) 

Side* make_up_a_side void   ) 

void prealloc_debug void   ) 

int remove_side_and_player int  s  ) 

void rename_side_for_player int  n,
int  which

void return_default_colorname Side side  ) 

void run_synth_methods void   ) 

void set_ai_for_player int  n,
char *  aitype

void set_player_advantage int  n,
int  newadv

void start_game_load_stage void   ) 

void start_game_ready_stage void   ) 

void start_player_pre_setup_stage void   ) 

void start_player_setup_stage void   ) 

void start_variant_setup_stage void   ) 

char* version_string void   ) 

Variable Documentation

int allbedesigners = FALSE

All players are designers.

Assign* assignments = NULL

List of player/side assignments.

enum setup_stage current_stage = initial_stage

Current setup stage.

int G_advances_graph_has_cycles = FALSE

PackedBoolTable* G_advances_synopsis = NULL

int gamedefined = FALSE

Game defined flag.

short initially_no_ai

int max_zoc_range

Maximum zone of control range.

int nextplayerid

int nextsideid

int numdesigners = 0

int option_popup_new_game_dialog

char spbuf[BUFSIZE]


char* standard_game_name

struct synthtype synthmethods[]

short tmpatype

Temporary Advance type.

char tmpbuf[BUFSIZE]


short tmpmtype

Temporary Material type.

short tmpttype

Temporary Terrain type.

short tmputype

Temporary Unit type.

short* u_possible

Unit posible.

Generated on Sat Sep 17 10:29:15 2005 for XconqKernel by doxygen 1.3.6