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a_plan Struct Reference

Plan. More...

#include <unit.h>

Collaboration diagram for a_plan:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Attributes

PlanType type
short creation_turn
short initial_turn
short final_turn
short asleep
short reserve
short delayed
short waitingfortasks
short aicontrol
short supply_alarm
short supply_is_low
short waitingfortransport
Action lastaction
short lastresult
Task last_task
TaskOutcome last_task_outcome
short execs_this_turn

Detailed Description


Member Data Documentation

short a_plan::aicontrol

true if an AI can operate on the unit

short a_plan::asleep

true if the unit is doing nothing

short a_plan::creation_turn

turn at which this plan was created

short a_plan::delayed

true if plan delayed. ???

short a_plan::execs_this_turn

Excutes this turn if true.

short a_plan::final_turn

turn to deactivate this plan

struct a_goal* a_plan::formation

the main goal of this plan

struct a_unit* a_plan::funit

pointer to chain of sequential tasks

short a_plan::initial_turn

turn at which this plan is to be done

Task a_plan::last_task

that action's outcome

TaskOutcome a_plan::last_task_outcome

a copy of the last task executed

Action a_plan::lastaction

pointer to unit keeping formation

short a_plan::lastresult

a copy of the last action attempted

struct a_goal* a_plan::maingoal

short a_plan::reserve

true if unit waiting until next turn

short a_plan::supply_alarm

short a_plan::supply_is_low

true if supply alarm is needed.

struct a_task* a_plan::tasks

goal to keep in a formation

PlanType a_plan::type

general type of plan that we've got here

short a_plan::waitingfortasks

true if waiting to be given a task

short a_plan::waitingfortransport

true if waiting for transport.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sat Sep 17 10:30:12 2005 for XconqKernel by doxygen 1.3.6