#include <game.h>
Collaboration diagram for utype:
Public Member Functions | |
DEF_UPROP_L ("acp-damage-effect", u_acp_damage_effect,"effect of reduced hp on acp per turn", acpdamageeffect) DEF_UPROP_I("acp-max" | |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("acp-min", u_acp_min,"amount by which unit acp may go negative during a turn", acpmin, PROPLO, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_L("acp-morale-effect" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect | DEF_UPROP_I ("acp-per-turn", u_acp,"base number of actions that this type can do in one turn", acp, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("acp-per-turn-max" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("acp-per-turn-min", u_acp_turn_min,"minimum acp after modification by damage etc effects", acpturnmin, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_L("acp-season-effect" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect | DEF_UPROP_L ("acp-temperature-effect", u_acp_temp_effect,"effect of temperature on acp", acptempeffect) DEF_UPROP_I("acp-to-change-side" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("acp-to-detonate", u_acp_to_detonate,"action points used up by detonating", acptodetonate, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("acp-to-disband" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("acp-to-fire", u_acp_to_fire,"action points used up by firing", acptofire, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("acp-to-move" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("action-priority", u_action_priority,"relative order in which the unit acts", actionpriority, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("ai-base-worth" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("ai-depot-worth", u_ai_depot_worth,"worth to AI as a depot", aidepotworth,-1,-1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("ai-distributor-worth" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("ai-explorer-worth", u_ai_explorer_worth,"worth to AI as an explorer", aiexplorerworth,-1,-1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("ai-minimal-size-goal" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("ai-mover-worth", u_ai_mover_worth,"worth to AI as a mobile unit", aimoverworth,-1,-1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("ai-prod-enhancer-worth" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("ai-producer-worth", u_ai_producer_worth,"worth to AI as a producer of materials", aiproducerworth,-1,-1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("ai-seer-worth" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("already-seen", u_already_seen,"chance the unit is seen initially if its cell is seen", alreadyseen, 0, 0, 100) DEF_UPROP_I("already-seen-independent" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is | DEF_UPROP_I ("assign-number", u_assign_number,"true if unit should be given a number", assignnumber, 0, 1, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("attack" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("auto-upgrade-to", u_auto_upgrade_to,"utype that a unit can automatically be upgraded to", autoupgradeto, NONUTYPE, NONUTYPE, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("available" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("can-be-self", u_can_be_self,"true if this type can be a self-unit", canbeself, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("capacity" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("can-see-behind", u_can_see_behind,"can an unit see behind things", canseebehind, 0, 1, 1) DEF_UPROP_S("char" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in | DEF_UPROP_S ("construction-border-color", u_construction_border_color,"border color when unit of this type is under construction", uconstructionbordercolor,"SandyBrown") DEF_UPROP_S("construction-fill-color" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown | DEF_UPROP_L ("consumption-temperature-effect", u_consume_temp_effect,"effect of temperature on base consumption", consumetempeffect) DEF_UPROP_I("country-units-max" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("courage-max", u_courage_max,"maximum of type's courage vs other sides", couragemax,-100, 0, 100) DEF_UPROP_I("courage-min" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other | DEF_UPROP_I ("cp", u_cp,"number of construction points to complete a new unit", cp, 0, 1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("cp-attrition" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose | DEF_UPROP_I ("cp-per-self-build", u_cp_per_self_build,"number of construction points per self completion", cpperselfbuild, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("cp-to-self-build" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("cxp-max", u_cxp_max,"upper bound on combat experience", cxpmax, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("cxp-on-capture-effect" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("defend", u_defend,"strength of defense", defend, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_L("description-format" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat | DEF_UPROP_L ("destruction-result", u_destruction_result,"possible outcomes of a unit's destruction", destructionresult) DEF_UPROP_I("detonate-with-attack" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an | DEF_UPROP_I ("detonate-on-death", u_detonate_on_death,"chance that a unit will detonate when about to die", detonateondepth, 0, 0, 100) DEF_UPROP_I("direct-control" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the | DEF_UPROP_L ("encounter-result", u_encounter_result,"possible outcomes of an encounter", encounterresult) DEF_UPROP_I("fire-angle-max" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("free-acp", u_free_acp,"extra action points available if an action needs them", freeacp, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("free-mp" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_S ("generic-char", u_gchar,"a non-unique character for the type", gchar,"") DEF_UPROP_S("generic-name" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the | DEF_UPROP_S ("help", u_help,"brief description of this type", help,"") DEF_UPROP_I("hit-falloff-range" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("hp-max", u_hp_max,"maximum number of hit points", hpmax, 1, 1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("hp-per-disband" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("hp-per-detonation", u_hp_per_detonation,"hit points lost by one detonate action", hpperdetonation, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("hp-recovery" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("hp-to-recover", u_hp_to_recover,"minimum hp for hp recovery to work", hptorecover, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_L("image-name" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename | DEF_UPROP_I ("independent-growth-chance", u_indep_growth,"chance that an independent unit will be created during country growth", indepgrowth, 0, 0, 10000) DEF_UPROP_I("independent-near-start" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("independent-takeover-chance", u_indep_takeover,"chance that an existing independent unit will be given to a growing country", indeptakeover, 0, 0, 10000) DEF_UPROP_I("initial-seen-radius" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_S ("long-name", u_long_name,"completely expanded-out name for the type", longname,"") DEF_UPROP_I("lost-revolt-chance" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will | DEF_UPROP_I ("lost-vanish-chance", u_lost_vanish,"chance that a unit on a losing side will vanish", lostvanish, 0, 10000, 10000) DEF_UPROP_I("lost-wreck-chance" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be | DEF_UPROP_I ("match-transport-side", u_match_transport_side,"attempt to match transport's side whenever that changes", matchtransportside, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("morale-max" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("morale-recovery", u_morale_recovery,"morale regained each turn", moralerecovery, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("move-range" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("mp-to-leave-world", u_mp_to_leave_world,"movement points needed to leave the world entirely", mptoleaveworld,-1,-1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_S("namer" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this | DEF_UPROP_S ("name", u_type_name,"basic name of the type", name,"") DEF_UPROP_S("name-internal" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this | DEF_UPROP_L ("notes", u_notes,"player notes about the unit type", notes) DEF_UPROP_I("obsolete" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("occupant-total-max", u_occ_total_max,"maximum number of all types of occupants added together", occtotalmax,-1,-1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("opinion-max" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other | DEF_UPROP_I ("opinion-min", u_opinion_min,"minimum of type's opinion about other sides", opinionmin,-100, 0, 100) DEF_UPROP_I("point-value" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_L ("possible-sides", u_possible_sides,"side(s)(class(es)) to which this type can belong", possiblesides) DEF_UPROP_I("range" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("range-min", u_range_min,"minimum possible distance to fire", rangemin, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("reach" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("revolt-chance", u_revolt,"basic chance that a unit will revolt", revolt, 0, 0, 10000) DEF_UPROP_I("revolt-at-opinion-min" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its | DEF_UPROP_I ("road-to-edge-chance", u_road_to_edge_chance,"chance for a road running from unit to edge of the world", roadtoedgechance, 0, 0, 100) DEF_UPROP_I("see-always" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to | DEF_UPROP_I ("see-occupants", u_see_occupants,"true if occupants seen whenever unit is seen", seeoccs, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("see-terrain-if-captured" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit | DEF_UPROP_I ("self-changeable", u_self_changeable,"true if self-unit may be changed by player at will", selfchangeable, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("self-resurrects" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one | DEF_UPROP_S ("short-name", u_short_name,"abbreviated but still informative name string", shortname,"") DEF_UPROP_I("size-min" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("size-max", u_size_max,"maximum size for unit", sizemax, 0, PROPHI, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("speed" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_L ("speed-damage-effect", u_speed_damage_effect,"effect of damage on speed", speeddamageeffect) DEF_UPROP_I("speed-max" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("speed-min", u_speed_min,"minimum possible acp/move ratio", speedmin, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_L("speed-wind-effect" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of | wind (force and angle) on speed" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect | DEF_UPROP_I ("spot-action", u_spot_action,"true if unit might be spotted if it acts", spotaction, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("spur-chance" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road | DEF_UPROP_I ("spur-range", u_spur_range,"maximum length for a road spur", spurrange, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("spy-chance" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will | DEF_UPROP_I ("spy-range", u_spy_range,"distance around which a unit's spying will yield information", spyrange,-1, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("stack-order" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within | stack (0=highest)" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("start-with", u_start_with,"number of units within the initial area", startwith, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("tech-from-ownership" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("tech-leakage", u_tech_leakage,"", techleakage, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("tech-max" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("tech-per-turn-max", u_tech_per_turn_max,"limit on tech gains from development and acquisition", techperturnmax, 0, PROPHI, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("tech-to-build" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("tech-to-change-type-to", u_tech_to_change_type_to,"minimum tech require to be able to change into this type", techtochangetypeto, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("tech-to-own" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("tech-to-see", u_tech_to_see,"minimum tech required to be able to see this type", techtosee, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("tech-to-use" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_L ("temperature-attrition", u_temp_attrition,"effect of temperature on hp", tempattrition) DEF_UPROP_I("type-in-game-max" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum | number (for all sides summed) units of this type allowed" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("type-per-side-max", u_type_per_side_max,"maximum number of this type for each side", typepersidemax,-1,-1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("unit-growth-chance" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country | DEF_UPROP_I ("unit-takeover-chance", u_unit_takeover,"chance for existing unit to be given to side during country growth", unittakeover, 0, 0, 10000) DEF_UPROP_I("use-own-cell" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell | DEF_UPROP_I ("vision-range", u_vision_range,"range out to which a unit sees everything", visionrange,-1, 1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("wrecked-type" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("zz-b", u_is_base,"", is_base, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-bb" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("zz-transport", u_is_transport,"", is_transport, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-c" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("zz-cm", u_can_make,"", can_make, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-cc" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("zz-bw", u_bw,"precomputed basic unit worth for AI", bw, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-ow" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for | DEF_UPROP_I ("zz-osw", u_offensive_support_worth,"precomputed offensive support worth for AI", osw, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-dw" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for | DEF_UPROP_I ("zz-dsw", u_defensive_support_worth,"precomputed defensive support worth for AI", dsw, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-esw" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for | DEF_UPROP_I ("zz-cw", u_colonizer_worth,"precomputed colonizing worth for AI", cw, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-csw" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for | DEF_UPROP_I ("zz-bcow", u_base_construction_worth,"precomputed base construction worth for AI", bcow, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-fw" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for | DEF_UPROP_I ("zz-rw", u_random_worth,"precomputed random worth for AI", rw, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-sw" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for | DEF_UPROP_I ("advanced", u_advanced,"true if unit is advanced", is_advanced, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("colonizer" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced | DEF_UPROP_I ("facility", u_facility,"true if unit is a facility", is_facility, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("ground" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the | DEF_UPROP_I ("naval", u_naval_mobile,"true if unit can move on water", is_naval_mobile, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("air" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the | DEF_UPROP_I ("minimal-sea-for-docks", u_minimal_sea_for_docks,"minimal adjacent liquid region that will merit contruction of naval units", minimalseafordocks, 0, 30, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("facility-total-max" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("mobile-total-max", u_mobile_total_max,"maximum number of all mobile occupants added together", mobiletotalmax,-1,-1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("ai-tactical-range" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added PROPHI range that the AI checks out before making a tactical decision for a PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("ai-enemy-alert-range", u_ai_enemy_alert_range,"range within which the AI will consider a mobile enemy unit a threat", aienemyalertrange, 0, 6, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("ai-peace-garrison" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added PROPHI range that the AI checks out before making a tactical decision for a PROPHI number of defenders the AI should assign to unit in the absence of PROPHI | DEF_UPROP_I ("ai-war-garrison", u_ai_war_garrison,"number of defenders the AI should assign to unit under enemy threat", aiwargarrison, 0, 1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("acp-independent" |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added PROPHI range that the AI checks out before making a tactical decision for a PROPHI number of defenders the AI should assign to unit in the absence of PROPHI units actions are limited only by available not by | DEF_UPROP_I ("can-research", u_can_research,"unit can do its own research at the start of each turn", canresearch, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("full-cxp-affects-attack" |
Public Attributes | |
u_acp_max | |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to | turn |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to | acpmax |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI | u_acp_morale_effect |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per | turn |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect | u_acp_turn_max |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc | effects |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc | acpturnmax |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI | u_acp_season_effect |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on | acp |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect | u_acp_to_change_side |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side | change |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side | acptochangeside |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI | u_acp_to_disband |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by | disbanding |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by | acptodisband |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI | u_acp_to_move |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one | move |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one | acptomove |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI | u_ai_base_worth |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a | base |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a | aibaseworth |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI | u_ai_distributor_worth |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of | materials |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of | aidistributorworth |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI | u_ai_minimal_size_goal |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced | unit |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced | aiminimalsizegoal |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI | u_ai_prod_enhancer_worth |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials | production |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials | aiprodenhancerworth |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI | u_ai_seer_worth |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a | seer |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a | aiseerworth |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI | u_already_seen_indep |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is | seen |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is | alreadyseenindep |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is | u_attack |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of | attacks |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of | attack |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI | u_available |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be | used |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be | available |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be | PROPLO |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI | u_capacity |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of | occupants |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of | capacity |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI | u_uchar |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in | displays |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in | uchar |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in | u_construction_fill_color |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under | construction |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under | uconstructionfillcolor |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown | u_country_units_max |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire | country |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire | countryunitsmax |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI | u_courage_min |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other | sides |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other | couragemin |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other | u_cp_attrition |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose | cp |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose | cpattrition |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose | u_cp_to_self_build |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self | completion |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self | cptoselfbuild |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI | u_cxp_on_capture |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured | unit |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured | cxponcapture |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI | u_desc_format |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a | unit |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat | u_detonate_with_attack |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an | attack |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an | detonatewithattack |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an | u_direct_control |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the | player |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the | directcontrol |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the | u_fire_angle_max |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing | weapons |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as | percentage |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as | fireanglemax |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI | u_free_mp |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs | them |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs | freemp |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI | u_generic_name |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the | type |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the | genericname |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the | u_hit_falloff_range |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the | hitfalloffrange |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the | PROPHI |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI | u_hp_per_disband |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband | action |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband | hpperdisband |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI | u_hp_recovery |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each | turn |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each | hprecovery |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI | u_image_name |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks | like |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename | u_indep_near_start |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the | country |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the | indepnearstart |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI | u_seen_radius |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen | initially |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen | seenradius |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI | u_lost_revolt |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will | revolt |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will | lostrevolt |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will | u_lost_wreck |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be | wrecked |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be | lostwreck |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be | u_morale_max |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on | morale |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on | moralemax |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI | u_move_range |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one | move |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one | moverange |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI | u_namer |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this | type |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this | namer |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this | u_internal_name |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this | iname |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this | u_obsolete |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type | obsolete |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type | NONATYPE |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI | u_opinion_max |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other | sides |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other | opinionmax |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other | u_point_value |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit | type |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit | pointvalue |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI | u_range |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to | fire |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to | range |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI | u_reach |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the | unit |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the | ureach |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI | u_revolt_opinion_min |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its | side |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its | revoltopinionmin |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its | u_see_always |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to | date |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to | seealways |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to | u_see_terrain_captured |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit | captured |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit | seeterrcap |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit | u_self_resurrects |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one | dies |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one | selfresurrects |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one | u_size_min |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for | unit |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for | sizemin |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI | u_speed |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move | ratio |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move | speed |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI | u_speed_max |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move | ratio |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move | speedmax |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move | PROPHI |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI | u_speed_wind_effect |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect | u_spur_chance |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road | spur |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road | spurchance |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road | u_spy_chance |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will | succeed |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will | spychance |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will | u_stack_order |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within | stackorder |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI | u_tech_from_ownership |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this | type |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this | techfromownership |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI | u_tech_max |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this | type |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this | techmax |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI | u_tech_to_build |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this | type |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this | techtobuild |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI | u_tech_to_own |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s | side |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s | techtoown |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI | u_tech_to_use |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this | type |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this | techtouse |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI | u_type_in_game_max |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum | typeingamemax |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI | u_unit_growth |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country | growth |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country | unitgrowth |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country | u_use_own_cell |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell | automatically |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell | uuseowncell |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell | u_wrecked_type |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its | HP |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its | wreckedtype |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its | NONUTYPE |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI | u_is_base_builder |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI | is_base_builder |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI | u_is_carrier |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI | is_carrier |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI | u_can_capture |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI | can_capture |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI | u_offensive_worth |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for | AI |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for | ow |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for | u_defensive_worth |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for | AI |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for | dw |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for | u_exploration_support_worth |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for | AI |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for | esw |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for | u_colonization_support_worth |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for | AI |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for | csw |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for | u_facility_worth |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for | AI |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for | fw |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for | u_siege_worth |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for | AI |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for | sw |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for | u_colonizer |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced | units |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced | is_colonizer |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced | u_ground_mobile |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the | ground |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the | is_ground_mobile |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the | u_air_mobile |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the | air |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the | is_air_mobile |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the | u_facility_total_max |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added | together |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added | facilitytotalmax |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added PROPHI | u_ai_tactical_range |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added PROPHI range that the AI checks out before making a tactical decision for a | unit |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added PROPHI range that the AI checks out before making a tactical decision for a | aitacticalrange |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added PROPHI range that the AI checks out before making a tactical decision for a PROPHI | u_ai_peace_garrison |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added PROPHI range that the AI checks out before making a tactical decision for a PROPHI number of defenders the AI should assign to unit in the absence of | threat |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added PROPHI range that the AI checks out before making a tactical decision for a PROPHI number of defenders the AI should assign to unit in the absence of | aipeacegarrison |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added PROPHI range that the AI checks out before making a tactical decision for a PROPHI number of defenders the AI should assign to unit in the absence of PROPHI | u_acp_independent |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added PROPHI range that the AI checks out before making a tactical decision for a PROPHI number of defenders the AI should assign to unit in the absence of PROPHI units actions are limited only by available | materials |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added PROPHI range that the AI checks out before making a tactical decision for a PROPHI number of defenders the AI should assign to unit in the absence of PROPHI units actions are limited only by available not by | acps |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added PROPHI range that the AI checks out before making a tactical decision for a PROPHI number of defenders the AI should assign to unit in the absence of PROPHI units actions are limited only by available not by | acpindependent |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added PROPHI range that the AI checks out before making a tactical decision for a PROPHI number of defenders the AI should assign to unit in the absence of PROPHI units actions are limited only by available not by | u_full_cxp_affects_attack |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added PROPHI range that the AI checks out before making a tactical decision for a PROPHI number of defenders the AI should assign to unit in the absence of PROPHI units actions are limited only by available not by effect on unit s attack value at max combat | experience |
maximum acp that can be accumulated from turn to PROPHI effect of morale on acp per acpmoraleeffect maximum acp after modification by damage etc PROPHI effect of season on acpseasoneffect action points used up by side PROPHI action points used up by PROPHI action points used up by one PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI worth to AI as a distributor of PROPHI AI s minimal size goal for advanced PROPHI worth to AI as an enhancer of materials PROPHI worth to AI as a PROPHI chance the independent unit is seen initially if its cell is strength of PROPHI true if this type may be PROPHI space for occupants shared by all types of PROPHI single character to use in border color when unit of this type is under brown maximum number of units in the entire PROPHI minimum of type s courage vs other chance that an incomplete unit will lose number of construction points to enable self PROPHI change in combat experience of a captured PROPHI formatting info for textual descriptions of a descformat chance that a unit will detonate when it makes an true if the type can be controlled directly by the maximum elevation of firing as PROPHI extra mp available if a move action needs PROPHI a non unique name for the PROPHI hit points lost by one disband PROPHI number of hit points restored automatically each PROPHI ways to specify what a unit looks imagename number of independent units within the min radius of the PROPHI radius around initial units that is seen PROPHI chance that a unit on a losing side will chance that a unit on a losing side will be upper bound on PROPHI distance that a unit can jump in one PROPHI namer or naming method for this the advance that makes this type PROPHI maximum of type s opinion about other an arbitrary number that assigns a value to a unit PROPHI maximum possible distance to PROPHI maximum distance of locations used by the PROPHI chance that a unit will revolt when at its lowest opinion of its true if others view of unit is always up to chance to see other side s terrain view if unit true if self unit switches automatically if current one minimum size for PROPHI normal acp move PROPHI maximum possible acp move PROPHI effect of speedwindeffect chance for a road chance that a unit s spying will relative priority of unit within PROPHI tech guaranteed by owning a unit of this PROPHI maximum possible tech for this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to create and complete this PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to have this type on one s PROPHI minimum tech required to be able to use this PROPHI maximum PROPHI chance that a new unit will be created during country true if city uses own cell unit type to turn into if unit loses all of its PROPHI precomputed offensive worth for precomputed defensive worth for precomputed exploration support worth for precomputed colonization support worth for precomputed improving worth for precomputed siege worth for true if unit can build advanced true if unit can move on the true if unit can move in the maximum number of all types of facilities added PROPHI range that the AI checks out before making a tactical decision for a PROPHI number of defenders the AI should assign to unit in the absence of PROPHI units actions are limited only by available not by effect on unit s attack value at max combat | fullcxpaffectsattack |
Define Unit type structure. Each unit type property may be a short, a string, or a lisp object which is repeated for each unit type. It is used to return GDL property values.