acp | utype | |
acpindependent | utype | |
acpmax | utype | |
acps | utype | |
acptochangeside | utype | |
acptodisband | utype | |
acptomove | utype | |
acpturnmax | utype | |
action | utype | |
AI | utype | |
AI | utype | |
AI | utype | |
AI | utype | |
AI | utype | |
AI | utype | |
aibaseworth | utype | |
aidistributorworth | utype | |
aiminimalsizegoal | utype | |
aipeacegarrison | utype | |
aiprodenhancerworth | utype | |
air | utype | |
aiseerworth | utype | |
aitacticalrange | utype | |
alreadyseenindep | utype | |
attack | utype | |
attack | utype | |
attacks | utype | |
automatically | utype | |
available | utype | |
base | utype | |
can_capture | utype | |
capacity | utype | |
captured | utype | |
change | utype | |
completion | utype | |
construction | utype | |
country | utype | |
country | utype | |
countryunitsmax | utype | |
couragemin | utype | |
cp | utype | |
cpattrition | utype | |
cptoselfbuild | utype | |
csw | utype | |
cxponcapture | utype | |
date | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("acp-min", u_acp_min,"amount by which unit acp may go negative during a turn", acpmin, PROPLO, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_L("acp-morale-effect" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("acp-per-turn", u_acp,"base number of actions that this type can do in one turn", acp, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("acp-per-turn-max" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("acp-per-turn-min", u_acp_turn_min,"minimum acp after modification by damage etc effects", acpturnmin, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_L("acp-season-effect" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("acp-to-detonate", u_acp_to_detonate,"action points used up by detonating", acptodetonate, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("acp-to-disband" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("acp-to-fire", u_acp_to_fire,"action points used up by firing", acptofire, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("acp-to-move" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("action-priority", u_action_priority,"relative order in which the unit acts", actionpriority, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("ai-base-worth" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("ai-depot-worth", u_ai_depot_worth,"worth to AI as a depot", aidepotworth,-1,-1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("ai-distributor-worth" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("ai-explorer-worth", u_ai_explorer_worth,"worth to AI as an explorer", aiexplorerworth,-1,-1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("ai-minimal-size-goal" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("ai-mover-worth", u_ai_mover_worth,"worth to AI as a mobile unit", aimoverworth,-1,-1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("ai-prod-enhancer-worth" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("ai-producer-worth", u_ai_producer_worth,"worth to AI as a producer of materials", aiproducerworth,-1,-1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("ai-seer-worth" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("already-seen", u_already_seen,"chance the unit is seen initially if its cell is seen", alreadyseen, 0, 0, 100) DEF_UPROP_I("already-seen-independent" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("assign-number", u_assign_number,"true if unit should be given a number", assignnumber, 0, 1, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("attack" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("auto-upgrade-to", u_auto_upgrade_to,"utype that a unit can automatically be upgraded to", autoupgradeto, NONUTYPE, NONUTYPE, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("available" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("can-be-self", u_can_be_self,"true if this type can be a self-unit", canbeself, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("capacity" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("can-see-behind", u_can_see_behind,"can an unit see behind things", canseebehind, 0, 1, 1) DEF_UPROP_S("char" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("courage-max", u_courage_max,"maximum of type's courage vs other sides", couragemax,-100, 0, 100) DEF_UPROP_I("courage-min" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("cp", u_cp,"number of construction points to complete a new unit", cp, 0, 1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("cp-attrition" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("cp-per-self-build", u_cp_per_self_build,"number of construction points per self completion", cpperselfbuild, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("cp-to-self-build" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("cxp-max", u_cxp_max,"upper bound on combat experience", cxpmax, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("cxp-on-capture-effect" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("defend", u_defend,"strength of defense", defend, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_L("description-format" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("detonate-on-death", u_detonate_on_death,"chance that a unit will detonate when about to die", detonateondepth, 0, 0, 100) DEF_UPROP_I("direct-control" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("free-acp", u_free_acp,"extra action points available if an action needs them", freeacp, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("free-mp" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("hp-max", u_hp_max,"maximum number of hit points", hpmax, 1, 1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("hp-per-disband" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("hp-per-detonation", u_hp_per_detonation,"hit points lost by one detonate action", hpperdetonation, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("hp-recovery" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("hp-to-recover", u_hp_to_recover,"minimum hp for hp recovery to work", hptorecover, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_L("image-name" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("independent-growth-chance", u_indep_growth,"chance that an independent unit will be created during country growth", indepgrowth, 0, 0, 10000) DEF_UPROP_I("independent-near-start" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("independent-takeover-chance", u_indep_takeover,"chance that an existing independent unit will be given to a growing country", indeptakeover, 0, 0, 10000) DEF_UPROP_I("initial-seen-radius" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("lost-vanish-chance", u_lost_vanish,"chance that a unit on a losing side will vanish", lostvanish, 0, 10000, 10000) DEF_UPROP_I("lost-wreck-chance" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("match-transport-side", u_match_transport_side,"attempt to match transport's side whenever that changes", matchtransportside, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("morale-max" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("morale-recovery", u_morale_recovery,"morale regained each turn", moralerecovery, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("move-range" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("mp-to-leave-world", u_mp_to_leave_world,"movement points needed to leave the world entirely", mptoleaveworld,-1,-1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_S("namer" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("occupant-total-max", u_occ_total_max,"maximum number of all types of occupants added together", occtotalmax,-1,-1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("opinion-max" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("opinion-min", u_opinion_min,"minimum of type's opinion about other sides", opinionmin,-100, 0, 100) DEF_UPROP_I("point-value" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("range-min", u_range_min,"minimum possible distance to fire", rangemin, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("reach" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("revolt-chance", u_revolt,"basic chance that a unit will revolt", revolt, 0, 0, 10000) DEF_UPROP_I("revolt-at-opinion-min" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("road-to-edge-chance", u_road_to_edge_chance,"chance for a road running from unit to edge of the world", roadtoedgechance, 0, 0, 100) DEF_UPROP_I("see-always" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("see-occupants", u_see_occupants,"true if occupants seen whenever unit is seen", seeoccs, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("see-terrain-if-captured" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("self-changeable", u_self_changeable,"true if self-unit may be changed by player at will", selfchangeable, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("self-resurrects" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("size-max", u_size_max,"maximum size for unit", sizemax, 0, PROPHI, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("speed" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("speed-min", u_speed_min,"minimum possible acp/move ratio", speedmin, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_L("speed-wind-effect" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("spot-action", u_spot_action,"true if unit might be spotted if it acts", spotaction, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("spur-chance" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("spur-range", u_spur_range,"maximum length for a road spur", spurrange, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("spy-chance" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("spy-range", u_spy_range,"distance around which a unit's spying will yield information", spyrange,-1, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("stack-order" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("start-with", u_start_with,"number of units within the initial area", startwith, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("tech-from-ownership" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("tech-leakage", u_tech_leakage,"", techleakage, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("tech-max" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("tech-per-turn-max", u_tech_per_turn_max,"limit on tech gains from development and acquisition", techperturnmax, 0, PROPHI, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("tech-to-build" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("tech-to-change-type-to", u_tech_to_change_type_to,"minimum tech require to be able to change into this type", techtochangetypeto, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("tech-to-own" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("tech-to-see", u_tech_to_see,"minimum tech required to be able to see this type", techtosee, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("tech-to-use" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("type-per-side-max", u_type_per_side_max,"maximum number of this type for each side", typepersidemax,-1,-1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("unit-growth-chance" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("unit-takeover-chance", u_unit_takeover,"chance for existing unit to be given to side during country growth", unittakeover, 0, 0, 10000) DEF_UPROP_I("use-own-cell" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("vision-range", u_vision_range,"range out to which a unit sees everything", visionrange,-1, 1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("wrecked-type" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("zz-b", u_is_base,"", is_base, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-bb" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("zz-transport", u_is_transport,"", is_transport, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-c" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("zz-cm", u_can_make,"", can_make, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-cc" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("zz-bw", u_bw,"precomputed basic unit worth for AI", bw, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-ow" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("zz-osw", u_offensive_support_worth,"precomputed offensive support worth for AI", osw, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-dw" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("zz-dsw", u_defensive_support_worth,"precomputed defensive support worth for AI", dsw, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-esw" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("zz-cw", u_colonizer_worth,"precomputed colonizing worth for AI", cw, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-csw" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("zz-bcow", u_base_construction_worth,"precomputed base construction worth for AI", bcow, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-fw" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("zz-rw", u_random_worth,"precomputed random worth for AI", rw, 0, 0, 0) DEF_UPROP_I("zz-sw" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("advanced", u_advanced,"true if unit is advanced", is_advanced, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("colonizer" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("facility", u_facility,"true if unit is a facility", is_facility, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("ground" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("naval", u_naval_mobile,"true if unit can move on water", is_naval_mobile, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("air" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("minimal-sea-for-docks", u_minimal_sea_for_docks,"minimal adjacent liquid region that will merit contruction of naval units", minimalseafordocks, 0, 30, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("facility-total-max" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("mobile-total-max", u_mobile_total_max,"maximum number of all mobile occupants added together", mobiletotalmax,-1,-1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("ai-tactical-range" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("ai-enemy-alert-range", u_ai_enemy_alert_range,"range within which the AI will consider a mobile enemy unit a threat", aienemyalertrange, 0, 6, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("ai-peace-garrison" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("ai-war-garrison", u_ai_war_garrison,"number of defenders the AI should assign to unit under enemy threat", aiwargarrison, 0, 1, PROPHI) DEF_UPROP_I("acp-independent" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_I("can-research", u_can_research,"unit can do its own research at the start of each turn", canresearch, 0, 0, 1) DEF_UPROP_I("full-cxp-affects-attack" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_L("acp-damage-effect", u_acp_damage_effect,"effect of reduced hp on acp per turn", acpdamageeffect) DEF_UPROP_I("acp-max" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_L("acp-temperature-effect", u_acp_temp_effect,"effect of temperature on acp", acptempeffect) DEF_UPROP_I("acp-to-change-side" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_L("consumption-temperature-effect", u_consume_temp_effect,"effect of temperature on base consumption", consumetempeffect) DEF_UPROP_I("country-units-max" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_L("destruction-result", u_destruction_result,"possible outcomes of a unit's destruction", destructionresult) DEF_UPROP_I("detonate-with-attack" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_L("encounter-result", u_encounter_result,"possible outcomes of an encounter", encounterresult) DEF_UPROP_I("fire-angle-max" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_L("notes", u_notes,"player notes about the unit type", notes) DEF_UPROP_I("obsolete" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_L("possible-sides", u_possible_sides,"side(s)(class(es)) to which this type can belong", possiblesides) DEF_UPROP_I("range" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_L("speed-damage-effect", u_speed_damage_effect,"effect of damage on speed", speeddamageeffect) DEF_UPROP_I("speed-max" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_L("temperature-attrition", u_temp_attrition,"effect of temperature on hp", tempattrition) DEF_UPROP_I("type-in-game-max" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_S("construction-border-color", u_construction_border_color,"border color when unit of this type is under construction", uconstructionbordercolor,"SandyBrown") DEF_UPROP_S("construction-fill-color" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_S("generic-char", u_gchar,"a non-unique character for the type", gchar,"") DEF_UPROP_S("generic-name" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_S("help", u_help,"brief description of this type", help,"") DEF_UPROP_I("hit-falloff-range" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_S("long-name", u_long_name,"completely expanded-out name for the type", longname,"") DEF_UPROP_I("lost-revolt-chance" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_S("name", u_type_name,"basic name of the type", name,"") DEF_UPROP_S("name-internal" | utype | |
DEF_UPROP_S("short-name", u_short_name,"abbreviated but still informative name string", shortname,"") DEF_UPROP_I("size-min" | utype | |
detonatewithattack | utype | |
dies | utype | |
directcontrol | utype | |
disbanding | utype | |
displays | utype | |
dw | utype | |
effects | utype | |
esw | utype | |
experience | utype | |
facilitytotalmax | utype | |
fire | utype | |
fireanglemax | utype | |
freemp | utype | |
fullcxpaffectsattack | utype | |
fw | utype | |
genericname | utype | |
ground | utype | |
growth | utype | |
hitfalloffrange | utype | |
HP | utype | |
hpperdisband | utype | |
hprecovery | utype | |
iname | utype | |
indepnearstart | utype | |
initially | utype | |
is_air_mobile | utype | |
is_base_builder | utype | |
is_carrier | utype | |
is_colonizer | utype | |
is_ground_mobile | utype | |
like | utype | |
lostrevolt | utype | |
lostwreck | utype | |
materials | utype | |
materials | utype | |
morale | utype | |
moralemax | utype | |
move | utype | |
move | utype | |
moverange | utype | |
namer | utype | |
NONATYPE | utype | |
NONUTYPE | utype | |
number(for all sides summed) units of this type allowed" | utype | |
obsolete | utype | |
occupants | utype | |
opinionmax | utype | |
ow | utype | |
percentage | utype | |
player | utype | |
pointvalue | utype | |
production | utype | |
PROPHI | utype | |
PROPHI | utype | |
PROPLO | utype | |
range | utype | |
ratio | utype | |
ratio | utype | |
revolt | utype | |
revoltopinionmin | utype | |
seealways | utype | |
seen | utype | |
seenradius | utype | |
seer | utype | |
seeterrcap | utype | |
selfresurrects | utype | |
side | utype | |
side | utype | |
sides | utype | |
sides | utype | |
sizemin | utype | |
speed | utype | |
speedmax | utype | |
spur | utype | |
spurchance | utype | |
spychance | utype | |
stack(0=highest)" | utype | |
stackorder | utype | |
succeed | utype | |
sw | utype | |
techfromownership | utype | |
techmax | utype | |
techtobuild | utype | |
techtoown | utype | |
techtouse | utype | |
them | utype | |
threat | utype | |
together | utype | |
turn | utype | |
turn | utype | |
turn | utype | |
type | utype | |
type | utype | |
type | utype | |
type | utype | |
type | utype | |
type | utype | |
type | utype | |
typeingamemax | utype | |
u_acp_independent | utype | |
u_acp_max | utype | |
u_acp_morale_effect | utype | |
u_acp_season_effect | utype | |
u_acp_to_change_side | utype | |
u_acp_to_disband | utype | |
u_acp_to_move | utype | |
u_acp_turn_max | utype | |
u_ai_base_worth | utype | |
u_ai_distributor_worth | utype | |
u_ai_minimal_size_goal | utype | |
u_ai_peace_garrison | utype | |
u_ai_prod_enhancer_worth | utype | |
u_ai_seer_worth | utype | |
u_ai_tactical_range | utype | |
u_air_mobile | utype | |
u_already_seen_indep | utype | |
u_attack | utype | |
u_available | utype | |
u_can_capture | utype | |
u_capacity | utype | |
u_colonization_support_worth | utype | |
u_colonizer | utype | |
u_construction_fill_color | utype | |
u_country_units_max | utype | |
u_courage_min | utype | |
u_cp_attrition | utype | |
u_cp_to_self_build | utype | |
u_cxp_on_capture | utype | |
u_defensive_worth | utype | |
u_desc_format | utype | |
u_detonate_with_attack | utype | |
u_direct_control | utype | |
u_exploration_support_worth | utype | |
u_facility_total_max | utype | |
u_facility_worth | utype | |
u_fire_angle_max | utype | |
u_free_mp | utype | |
u_full_cxp_affects_attack | utype | |
u_generic_name | utype | |
u_ground_mobile | utype | |
u_hit_falloff_range | utype | |
u_hp_per_disband | utype | |
u_hp_recovery | utype | |
u_image_name | utype | |
u_indep_near_start | utype | |
u_internal_name | utype | |
u_is_base_builder | utype | |
u_is_carrier | utype | |
u_lost_revolt | utype | |
u_lost_wreck | utype | |
u_morale_max | utype | |
u_move_range | utype | |
u_namer | utype | |
u_obsolete | utype | |
u_offensive_worth | utype | |
u_opinion_max | utype | |
u_point_value | utype | |
u_range | utype | |
u_reach | utype | |
u_revolt_opinion_min | utype | |
u_see_always | utype | |
u_see_terrain_captured | utype | |
u_seen_radius | utype | |
u_self_resurrects | utype | |
u_siege_worth | utype | |
u_size_min | utype | |
u_speed | utype | |
u_speed_max | utype | |
u_speed_wind_effect | utype | |
u_spur_chance | utype | |
u_spy_chance | utype | |
u_stack_order | utype | |
u_tech_from_ownership | utype | |
u_tech_max | utype | |
u_tech_to_build | utype | |
u_tech_to_own | utype | |
u_tech_to_use | utype | |
u_type_in_game_max | utype | |
u_uchar | utype | |
u_unit_growth | utype | |
u_use_own_cell | utype | |
u_wrecked_type | utype | |
uchar | utype | |
uconstructionfillcolor | utype | |
unit | utype | |
unit | utype | |
unit | utype | |
unit | utype | |
unit | utype | |
unit | utype | |
unitgrowth | utype | |
units | utype | |
ureach | utype | |
used | utype | |
uuseowncell | utype | |
weapons | utype | |
wind(force and angle) on speed" | utype | |
wrecked | utype | |
wreckedtype | utype | |