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a_strategy Struct Reference

#include <ai.h>

Collaboration diagram for a_strategy:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Attributes

int trytowin
int report_not_understood
int creationdate
short * strengths [MAXSIDES+1]
short points [MAXSIDES+1]
short * alstrengths [MAXSIDES+1]
short alpoints [MAXSIDES+1]
short initial_strengths_computed
short * strengths0 [MAXSIDES+1]
short points0 [MAXSIDES+1]
short * alstrengths0 [MAXSIDES+1]
short alpoints0 [MAXSIDES+1]
short contacted [MAXSIDES+1]
short homefound [MAXSIDES+1]
int analyzegame
a_theater ** theatertable
short numtheaters
char * areatheaters
a_theaterperimeters [NUMDIRS]
a_theatermidranges [NUMDIRS]
a_theaterremotes [NUMDIRS]
int numgoals
a_goalgoals [MAXGOALS]
int zonewidth
int zoneheight
int numzonex
int numzoney
int numzones
a_searchzone * searchzones
short * explorertypes
short explorersneeded
short * terrainguess
short cx
short cy
short * demand
int explore_priority
int defend_priority
int attack_priority
a_unit ** unitlist
short * unitlistcount
short * actualmix
short * expectedmix
short * idealmix
short * develop_status
short * develop_on

Member Data Documentation

short* a_strategy::actualmix

short a_strategy::alpoints[MAXSIDES + 1]

short a_strategy::alpoints0[MAXSIDES + 1]

short* a_strategy::alstrengths[MAXSIDES + 1]

short* a_strategy::alstrengths0[MAXSIDES + 1]

int a_strategy::analyzegame

char* a_strategy::areatheaters

int a_strategy::attack_priority

short a_strategy::contacted[MAXSIDES+1]

int a_strategy::creationdate

short a_strategy::cx

short a_strategy::cy

int a_strategy::defend_priority

short* a_strategy::demand

short* a_strategy::develop_on

short* a_strategy::develop_status

short* a_strategy::expectedmix

int a_strategy::explore_priority

short a_strategy::explorersneeded

short* a_strategy::explorertypes

struct a_goal* a_strategy::goals[MAXGOALS]

short a_strategy::homefound[MAXSIDES+1]

struct a_theater* a_strategy::homefront

short* a_strategy::idealmix

short a_strategy::initial_strengths_computed

struct a_theater* a_strategy::midranges[NUMDIRS]

int a_strategy::numgoals

short a_strategy::numtheaters

int a_strategy::numzones

int a_strategy::numzonex

int a_strategy::numzoney

struct a_theater* a_strategy::perimeters[NUMDIRS]

short a_strategy::points[MAXSIDES + 1]

short a_strategy::points0[MAXSIDES + 1]

struct a_theater* a_strategy::remotes[NUMDIRS]

int a_strategy::report_not_understood

struct a_searchzone* a_strategy::searchzones

short* a_strategy::strengths[MAXSIDES + 1]

short* a_strategy::strengths0[MAXSIDES + 1]

short* a_strategy::terrainguess

struct a_theater* a_strategy::theaters

struct a_theater** a_strategy::theatertable

int a_strategy::trytowin

struct a_unit** a_strategy::unitlist

short* a_strategy::unitlistcount

Obj* a_strategy::writable_state

int a_strategy::zoneheight

int a_strategy::zonewidth

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sat Sep 17 10:30:23 2005 for XconqKernel by doxygen 1.3.6