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a_theater Struct Reference

#include <ai.h>

Collaboration diagram for a_theater:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Attributes

short id
char * name
short x
short y
short xmin
short ymin
short xmax
short ymax
int size
short importance
short allied_units
short makers
short unexplored
short allied_bases
short border
short reinforce
short * numassigned
short * numneeded
short * numtotransport
short * numenemies
short * numsuspected
short * numsuspectedmax
int * people
int enemystrengthmin
int enemystrengthmax
short units_lost

Member Data Documentation

short a_theater::allied_bases

short a_theater::allied_units

short a_theater::border

int a_theater::enemystrengthmax

int a_theater::enemystrengthmin

short a_theater::id

short a_theater::importance

Goal* a_theater::maingoal

short a_theater::makers

char* a_theater::name

struct a_theater* a_theater::next

short* a_theater::numassigned

short* a_theater::numenemies

short* a_theater::numneeded

short* a_theater::numsuspected

short* a_theater::numsuspectedmax

short* a_theater::numtotransport

int* a_theater::people

short a_theater::reinforce

int a_theater::size

short a_theater::unexplored

short a_theater::units_lost

short a_theater::x

short a_theater::xmax

short a_theater::xmin

short a_theater::y

short a_theater::ymax

short a_theater::ymin

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sat Sep 17 10:30:30 2005 for XconqKernel by doxygen 1.3.6