altmin | ttype | |
cloudsmin | ttype | |
country | ttype | |
country | ttype | |
countrymax | ttype | |
countrypeople | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_I("alt-percentile-max", t_alt_max,"highest altitude percentile for this type", altmax, 0, 0, 100) DEF_TPROP_I("alt-percentile-min" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_I("capacity", t_capacity,"useful area of a cell of this terrain type, relative to units", capacity, 0, 1, PROPHI) DEF_TPROP_S("char" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_I("clouds-max", t_clouds_max,"highest density of clouds in this terrain", cloudsmax, 0, 0, 100) DEF_TPROP_I("clouds-min" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_I("country-growth-chance", t_country_growth,"chance that a country will be grown into terrain", countrygrowth, 0, 100, 100) DEF_TPROP_I("country-people-chance" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_I("country-takeover-chance", t_country_takeover,"chance that country will be grown into terrain already given to another side", countrytakeover, 0, 0, 100) DEF_TPROP_I("country-terrain-max" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_I("country-terrain-min", t_country_min,"minimum amount of this type in each country's initial radius", countryminterrain, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_TPROP_I("elevation-max" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_I("elevation-min", t_elev_min,"lowest possible elevation", elevmin, PROPLO, 0, PROPHI) DEF_TPROP_S("help" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_I("liquid", t_liquid,"true if this type is a liquid", liquid, 0, 0, 1) DEF_TPROP_I("maze-passage-occurrence" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_I("maze-room-occurrence", t_maze_room_occurrence,"frequency of this type in maze rooms", mazeroomoccurrence, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_TPROP_S("name" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_I("people-max", t_people_max,"max number of people of all types added together", peoplemax,-1,-1, PROPHI) DEF_TPROP_I("river-chance" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_I("subtype", t_subtype,"subtype of the terrain", subtype, cellsubtype, cellsubtype, coatingsubtype) DEF_TPROP_I("subtype-x" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_I("temperature-average", t_temp_avg,"average temperature in this terrain", tempavg, PROPLO, 0, PROPHI) DEF_TPROP_I("temperature-max" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_I("temperature-min", t_temp_min,"lowest possible temperature", tempmin, PROPLO, 0, PROPHI) DEF_TPROP_I("temperature-variability" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_I("thickness", t_thickness,"Elevation of`top'of terrain over nominal elevation", thickness, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_TPROP_I("wet-percentile-max" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_I("wet-percentile-min", t_wet_min,"lowest moisture percentile", wetmin, 0, 0, 100) DEF_TPROP_I("wind-force-average" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_I("wind-force-max", t_wind_force_max,"highest possible wind force", gwindmax, 0, 0, PROPHI) DEF_TPROP_I("wind-force-min" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_I("wind-force-variability", t_wind_force_variability,"chance that wind force will change randomly", windforcevariability, 0, 0, 10000) DEF_TPROP_I("wind-variability" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_L("notes", t_notes,"player notes", notes) DEF_TPROP_I("occurrence" | ttype | |
DEF_TPROP_S("image-name", t_image_name,"graphical representation of this terrain", imagename,"") DEF_TPROP_I("independent-people-chance" | ttype | |
elevation | ttype | |
elevmax | ttype | |
force | ttype | |
force | ttype | |
gwindavg | ttype | |
gwindmin | ttype | |
help | ttype | |
indeppeople | ttype | |
maxwet | ttype | |
mazepassageoccurrence | ttype | |
name | ttype | |
occurrence | ttype | |
passageways | ttype | |
percentile | ttype | |
PROPLO | ttype | |
PROPLO | ttype | |
radius | ttype | |
randomly | ttype | |
randomly | ttype | |
riverchance | ttype | |
subtypex | ttype | |
synthesis | ttype | |
t_alt_min | ttype | |
t_char | ttype | |
t_clouds_min | ttype | |
t_country_max | ttype | |
t_country_people | ttype | |
t_elev_max | ttype | |
t_help | ttype | |
t_indep_people | ttype | |
t_maze_passage_occurrence | ttype | |
t_occurrence | ttype | |
t_river_chance | ttype | |
t_subtype_x | ttype | |
t_temp_max | ttype | |
t_temp_variability | ttype | |
t_type_name | ttype | |
t_wet_max | ttype | |
t_wind_force_avg | ttype | |
t_wind_force_min | ttype | |
t_wind_variability | ttype | |
tchar | ttype | |
temperature | ttype | |
tempmax | ttype | |
tempvariability | ttype | |
terrain | ttype | |
terrain | ttype | |
terrain | ttype | |
terrain | ttype | |
terrain | ttype | |
type | ttype | |
windvariability | ttype | |
worlds | ttype | |