AI | a_globals | |
altitudes | a_globals | |
altitudes | a_globals | |
border | a_globals | |
borders | a_globals | |
box | a_globals | |
boxes | a_globals | |
capture | a_globals | |
code | a_globals | |
countries | a_globals | |
country | a_globals | |
cycle | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("advantage-default", g_advantage_default, set_g_advantage_default,"default advantage of each side", gadvantagedefault, 1, 1, 100) DEF_VAR_I("advantage-max" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("advantage-min", g_advantage_min, set_g_advantage_min,"minimum advantage that a player can request", gadvantagemin, 0, 0, 100) DEF_VAR_L("ai-initial-research-goals" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("alt-blob-density", g_alt_blob_density, set_g_alt_blob_density,"number of altitude blobs to generate for fractal terrain", galtblobdensity, 0, 1000, VARHI) DEF_VAR_I("alt-blob-height" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("alt-blob-size", g_alt_blob_size, set_g_alt_blob_size,"size of altitude blobs to generate for fractal terrain", galtblobsize, 0, 30, VARHI) DEF_VAR_I("alt-smoothing" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("backdrop-model", g_backdrop_model, set_g_backdrop_model,"algorithm to use for backdrop economy", gbkdrpmodel, 0, 0, VARHI) DEF_VAR_L("calendar" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("combat-model", g_combat_model, set_g_combat_model,"algorithm to use for combat", gcombatmodel, 0, 0, VARHI) DEF_VAR_S("contour-color" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("country-radius-min", g_radius_min, set_g_radius_min,"default initial radius of each side's country", gradiusmin,-1,-1, VARHI) DEF_VAR_I("country-separation-max" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("country-separation-min", g_separation_min, set_g_separation_min,"minimum distance from each country to some other", gminseparation, 0, 0, VARHI) DEF_VAR_I("create-units-from-specs" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("edge-road-density", g_edge_road_density, set_g_edge_road_density,"number of roads from edge to edge", gedgeroaddensity, 0, 0, VARHI) DEF_VAR_I("elapsed-real-time" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("indepside-can-develop", g_indepside_can_develop, set_g_indepside_can_develop,"independent side can do development", gindepsidecandevelop, 0, 0, 1) DEF_VAR_I("indepside-can-research" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("indepside-has-ai", g_indepside_has_ai, set_g_indepside_has_ai,"independent side has AI", gindepsidehasai, 0, 0, 1) DEF_VAR_I("indepside-has-economy" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("indepside-has-treasury", g_indepside_has_treasury, set_g_indepside_has_treasury,"independent side has a treasury", gindepsidehastreasury, 0, 0, 1) DEF_VAR_S("initial-date" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("initial-day-part", g_initial_day_part, set_g_initial_day_part,"day part of the first(possible) turn", ginitialdaypart, 0, 0, VARHI) DEF_VAR_I("initial-year-part" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("last-turn", g_last_turn, set_g_last_turn,"last possible turn in the game", glastturn, 1, VARHI, VARHI) DEF_VAR_I("maze-passage-density" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("maze-room-density", g_maze_room, set_g_maze_room,"density of rooms in a maze", gmazerooms, 0, 1000, 10000) DEF_VAR_S("meridian-color" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("player-sides-locked", g_player_sides_locked, set_g_player_sides_locked,"true if player-side assignments can't be changed", gplayersideslocked, 0, 0, 1) DEF_VAR_I("protection-resists-capture" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("random-state", g_random_state, set_g_random_state,"value of the random state", grandomstate,-1,-1, 32767) DEF_VAR_I("real-time-for-game" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("real-time-per-side", g_rt_per_side, set_g_rt_per_side,"total real time that a side gets for this game", grtperside, 0, 0, VARHI) DEF_VAR_I("real-time-per-turn" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("river-sink-terrain", g_river_sink_terrain, set_g_river_sink_terrain,"terrain type of a cell completely surrounded by river", griversinkterrain, NONTTYPE, NONTTYPE, VARHI) DEF_VAR_I("zz-run-serial-number" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("see-all", g_see_all, set_g_see_all,"true if everything is always seen all the time", gseeall, 0, 0, 1) DEF_VAR_I("see-terrain-always" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("see-weather-always", g_see_weather_always, set_g_see_weather_always,"true if weather is always seen all the time", gseeweatheralways, 0, 1, 1) DEF_VAR_I("self-required" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("sides-min", g_sides_min, set_g_sides_min,"minimum number of sides in a game", gsidesmin, 1, 2, MAXSIDES) DEF_VAR_I("sides-wanted" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("temperature-floor-elevation", g_temp_floor_elev, set_g_temp_floor_elev,"elevation at which minimum temperature occurs", gtempfloorelev, VARLO, 0, VARHI) DEF_VAR_I("temperature-moderation-range" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("terrain-seen", g_terrain_seen, set_g_terrain_seen,"true if the world's terrain is already completely known", gterrainseen, 0, FALSE, 1) DEF_VAR_I("turn" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("units-in-game-max", g_units_in_game_max, set_g_units_in_game_max,"limit on the total number of units at any time in the game", gunitsingamemax,-1,-1, VARHI) DEF_VAR_S("unit-gbox-border-color" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("units-per-side-max", g_units_per_side_max, set_g_units_per_side_max,"limit on the total number of units on each side", gunitspersidemax,-1,-1, VARHI) DEF_VAR_S("unseen-char" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("wet-blob-density", g_wet_blob_density, set_g_wet_blob_density,"number of wetness blobs to generate for fractal terrain", gwetblobdensity, 0, 100, VARHI) DEF_VAR_I("wet-blob-height" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("wet-blob-size", g_wet_blob_size, set_g_wet_blob_size,"size of wetness blobs to generate for fractal terrain", gwetblobsize, 0, 100, VARHI) DEF_VAR_I("wet-smoothing" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("wind-mix-range", g_wind_mix_range, set_g_wind_mix_range,"how far to go in averaging wind variations", gwindmixrange, 0, 0, 2) DEF_VAR_I("disband-unfinished-units" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("salvage-unfinished-cps", g_salvage_unfinished_cps, set_g_salvage_unfinished_cps,"true if cps of disbanded unfinsihed unit are salvaged to unit->cp_stash", gsalavageunfinishedcps, 0, 0, 1) DEF_VAR_I("salvage-unfinished-materials" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("ai-advanced-unit-separation", g_ai_advanced_unit_separation, set_g_ai_advanced_unit_separation,"minimal distance between advanced units used by AI when picking a new cell to colonize", gaiadvancedunitseparation, 0, 3, VARHI) DEF_VAR_I("ai-badtask-remove-chance" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("ai-badtask-max-retries", g_ai_badtask_max_retries, set_g_ai_badtask_max_retries,"max number of times the AI will bang its head into the wall", gaibadtaskmaxretries, 0, 6, VARHI) DEF_VAR_I("ai-badtask-reserve-chance" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("people", g_people, set_g_people,"run population code so that cities can grow", gpeople, 0, 1, 1) DEF_VAR_I("economy" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("supply", g_supply, set_g_supply,"run supply system code", gsupply, 0, 1, 1) DEF_VAR_I("no-indepside-ingame" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("ai-may-resign", g_ai_may_resign, set_g_ai_may_resign,"just what it says", gaimayresign, 0, 1, 1) DEF_VAR_S("window-color" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("feature-boundaries", g_feature_boundaries, set_g_feature_boundaries,"draw feature boundaries", gfeatureboundaries,-1,-1, 1) DEF_VAR_I("meridians" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_I("shorelines", g_shorelines, set_g_shorelines,"draw shorelines", gshorelines,-1,-1, 1) DEF_VAR_I("terrain-transitions" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_L("action-movies", g_action_movies, set_g_action_movies,"movies to play as result of actions and their outcomes", gactionmovies, 0) DEF_VAR_L("action-notices" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_L("event-movies", g_event_movies, set_g_event_movies,"movies to play when events are recorded", geventmovies, 0) DEF_VAR_L("event-narratives" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_L("event-notices", g_event_notices, set_g_event_notices,"text to use in describing events in the present", geventnotices, 0) DEF_VAR_I("extra-turn-chance" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_L("feature-namers", g_feature_namers, set_g_feature_namers,"definitions of namers of geographical features", gfeaturenamers, 0) DEF_VAR_L("feature-types" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_L("side-color-library", g_side_color_lib, set_g_side_color_lib,"list of default color schemes to use for sides", gsidecolorlib, 0) DEF_VAR_L("side-library" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_L("synthesis-done", g_synth_done, set_g_synth_done,"list of synthesis results", gsynthdone, 0) DEF_VAR_I("temperature-floor" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_S("attack-cursor", g_attack_cursor, set_g_attack_cursor,"the cursor to use when over a unit that may be attacked", gattackcursor,"cursor-sword") DEF_VAR_I("backdrop-ignore-doctrine" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_S("country-border-color", g_country_border_color, set_g_country_border_color,"name of the color to use when displaying country borders", gcountrybordercolor,"deep-pink") DEF_VAR_I("country-radius-max" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_S("default-namer", g_default_namer, set_g_default_namer,"namer to run when everything else fails", gdefaultnamer,"") DEF_VAR_I("edge-terrain" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_S("frontline-color", g_frontline_color, set_g_frontline_color,"color to use for drawing differing control", gfrontlinecolor,"red") DEF_VAR_S("generic-cursor" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_S("grid-color", g_grid_color, set_g_grid_color,"name of the color to use when displaying cell grid", ggridcolor,"dark-gray") DEF_VAR_I("growth-stop-chance" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_S("initial-date-max", g_initial_date_max, set_g_initial_date_max,"latest possible date of the first turn", ginitialdatemax,"") DEF_VAR_S("initial-date-min" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_S("scorefile-name", g_scorefile_name, set_g_scorefile_name,"name for the scorefile", gscorefilename,"") DEF_VAR_L("season-names" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_S("shoreline-color", g_shoreline_color, set_g_shoreline_color,"name of the color to use for drawing shorelines", gshorelinecolor,"blue") DEF_VAR_I("side-can-research" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_S("side-namer", g_side_namer, set_g_side_namer,"namer or naming method for sides", gsidenamer,"default-side-names") DEF_VAR_I("sides-max" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_S("survey-cursor", g_survey_cursor, set_g_survey_cursor,"the cursor to use in survey mode", gsurveycursor,"cursor-hand") DEF_VAR_L("synthesis-methods" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_S("unit-gbox-fill-color", g_unit_gbox_fill_color, set_g_unit_gbox_fill_color,"name of fill color for unit grouping box", gunitgboxfillcolor,"white") DEF_VAR_S("unit-name-color" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_S("unseen-color", g_unseen_color, set_g_unseen_color,"name of the color(s) representing unseen terrain", gunseencolor,"black") DEF_VAR_I("use-side-priority" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_S("fore-color", g_fore_color, set_g_fore_color,"name of the default foreground color to use for icons", gforecolor,"black") DEF_VAR_S("mask-color" | a_globals | |
DEF_VAR_S("text-color", g_text_color, set_g_text_color,"name of the default color to use for text in maps", gtextcolor,"midnight-blue") DEF_VAR_S("feature-color" | a_globals | |
disbanded | a_globals | |
doctrine | a_globals | |
far | a_globals | |
features | a_globals | |
first(possible) turn" | a_globals | |
g_action_notices | a_globals | |
g_advantage_max | a_globals | |
g_ai_badtask_remove_chance | a_globals | |
g_ai_badtask_reserve_chance | a_globals | |
g_ai_initial_research_goals | a_globals | |
g_alt_blob_height | a_globals | |
g_alt_smoothing | a_globals | |
g_backdrop_ignore_doctrine | a_globals | |
g_calendar | a_globals | |
g_contour_color | a_globals | |
g_create_units | a_globals | |
g_disband_unfinished_units | a_globals | |
g_economy | a_globals | |
g_edge_terrain | a_globals | |
g_elapsed_time | a_globals | |
g_event_narratives | a_globals | |
g_extra_turn | a_globals | |
g_feature_color | a_globals | |
g_feature_types | a_globals | |
g_generic_cursor | a_globals | |
g_growth_stop | a_globals | |
g_indepside_can_research | a_globals | |
g_indepside_has_economy | a_globals | |
g_initial_date | a_globals | |
g_initial_date_min | a_globals | |
g_initial_year_part | a_globals | |
g_mask_color | a_globals | |
g_maze_passage | a_globals | |
g_meridian_color | a_globals | |
g_meridians | a_globals | |
g_no_indepside_ingame | a_globals | |
g_prot_resists_capture | a_globals | |
g_radius_max | a_globals | |
g_rt_for_game | a_globals | |
g_rt_per_turn | a_globals | |
g_run_serial_number | a_globals | |
g_salvage_unfinished_materials | a_globals | |
g_season_names | a_globals | |
g_see_terrain_always | a_globals | |
g_self_required | a_globals | |
g_separation_max | a_globals | |
g_side_can_research | a_globals | |
g_side_lib | a_globals | |
g_sides_max | a_globals | |
g_sides_wanted | a_globals | |
g_synth_methods | a_globals | |
g_temp_floor | a_globals | |
g_temp_mod_range | a_globals | |
g_terrain_transitions | a_globals | |
g_turn | a_globals | |
g_unit_gbox_border_color | a_globals | |
g_unit_name_color | a_globals | |
g_unseen_char | a_globals | |
g_use_side_priority | a_globals | |
g_wet_blob_height | a_globals | |
g_wet_smoothing | a_globals | |
g_window_color | a_globals | |
gactionnotices | a_globals | |
gadvantagemax | a_globals | |
gaibadtaskremovechance | a_globals | |
gaibadtaskreservechance | a_globals | |
gaiinitialresearchgoals | a_globals | |
galtblobheight | a_globals | |
galtsmoothing | a_globals | |
game | a_globals | |
game | a_globals | |
gbkdrpignoredoctrine | a_globals | |
gcalendar | a_globals | |
gcontourcolor | a_globals | |
gcreateunits | a_globals | |
gdisbandunfinishedunits | a_globals | |
geconomy | a_globals | |
gedgeterrain | a_globals | |
gelapsedtime | a_globals | |
geventnarratives | a_globals | |
gextraturn | a_globals | |
gfeaturecolor | a_globals | |
gfeaturetypes | a_globals | |
ggenericcursor | a_globals | |
ggrowthstop | a_globals | |
gindepsidecanresearch | a_globals | |
gindepsidehaseconomy | a_globals | |
ginitialdate | a_globals | |
ginitialdatemin | a_globals | |
ginitialyearpart | a_globals | |
gmaskcolor | a_globals | |
gmaxseparation | a_globals | |
gmazepassages | a_globals | |
gmeridiancolor | a_globals | |
gmeridians | a_globals | |
gnoindepsideingame | a_globals | |
gprotresistscapture | a_globals | |
gradiusmax | a_globals | |
grtforgame | a_globals | |
grtperturn | a_globals | |
grunserialnumber | a_globals | |
gsalavageunfinishedmaterials | a_globals | |
gseasonnames | a_globals | |
gseeterrainalways | a_globals | |
gselfrequired | a_globals | |
gsidecanresearch | a_globals | |
gsidelib | a_globals | |
gsidesmax | a_globals | |
gsideswanted | a_globals | |
gsynthmethods | a_globals | |
gtempfloor | a_globals | |
gtempmodrange | a_globals | |
gterraintransitions | a_globals | |
gturn | a_globals | |
gunitgboxbordercolor | a_globals | |
gunitnamecolor | a_globals | |
gunseenchar | a_globals | |
gusesidepriority | a_globals | |
gwetblobheight | a_globals | |
gwetsmoothing | a_globals | |
gwindowcolor | a_globals | |
init | a_globals | |
last | a_globals | |
last | a_globals | |
lines | a_globals | |
materials | a_globals | |
MAXSIDES | a_globals | |
maze | a_globals | |
meridians | a_globals | |
meridians | a_globals | |
names | a_globals | |
one | a_globals | |
past | a_globals | |
present | a_globals | |
priority | a_globals | |
queue | a_globals | |
reading | a_globals | |
request | a_globals | |
research | a_globals | |
research | a_globals | |
reserve | a_globals | |
save | a_globals | |
set_g_action_notices | a_globals | |
set_g_advantage_max | a_globals | |
set_g_ai_badtask_removel_chance | a_globals | |
set_g_ai_badtask_reserve_chance | a_globals | |
set_g_ai_initial_research_goals | a_globals | |
set_g_alt_blob_height | a_globals | |
set_g_alt_smoothing | a_globals | |
set_g_backdrop_ignore_doctrine | a_globals | |
set_g_calendar | a_globals | |
set_g_contour_color | a_globals | |
set_g_create_units | a_globals | |
set_g_disband_unfinished_units | a_globals | |
set_g_economy | a_globals | |
set_g_edge_terrain | a_globals | |
set_g_elapsed_time | a_globals | |
set_g_event_narratives | a_globals | |
set_g_extra_turn | a_globals | |
set_g_feature_color | a_globals | |
set_g_feature_types | a_globals | |
set_g_generic_cursor | a_globals | |
set_g_growth_stop | a_globals | |
set_g_indepside_can_research | a_globals | |
set_g_indepside_has_economy | a_globals | |
set_g_initial_date | a_globals | |
set_g_initial_date_min | a_globals | |
set_g_initial_year_part | a_globals | |
set_g_mask_color | a_globals | |
set_g_maze_passage | a_globals | |
set_g_meridian_color | a_globals | |
set_g_meridians | a_globals | |
set_g_no_indepside_ingame | a_globals | |
set_g_prot_resists_capture | a_globals | |
set_g_radius_max | a_globals | |
set_g_rt_for_game | a_globals | |
set_g_rt_per_turn | a_globals | |
set_g_run_serial_number | a_globals | |
set_g_salvage_unfinished_materials | a_globals | |
set_g_season_names | a_globals | |
set_g_see_terrain_always | a_globals | |
set_g_self_required | a_globals | |
set_g_separation_max | a_globals | |
set_g_side_can_research | a_globals | |
set_g_side_lib | a_globals | |
set_g_sides_max | a_globals | |
set_g_sides_wanted | a_globals | |
set_g_synth_methods | a_globals | |
set_g_temp_floor | a_globals | |
set_g_temp_mod_range | a_globals | |
set_g_terrain_transitions | a_globals | |
set_g_turn | a_globals | |
set_g_unit_gbox_border_color | a_globals | |
set_g_unit_name_color | a_globals | |
set_g_unseen_char | a_globals | |
set_g_use_side_priority | a_globals | |
set_g_wet_blob_height | a_globals | |
set_g_wet_smoothing | a_globals | |
set_g_window_color | a_globals | |
sides | a_globals | |
step | a_globals | |
supply | a_globals | |
temperature | a_globals | |
terrain | a_globals | |
terrain | a_globals | |
terrain | a_globals | |
time | a_globals | |
transitions | a_globals | |
true | a_globals | |
turn | a_globals | |
turn | a_globals | |
turn | a_globals | |
turn | a_globals | |
unit | a_globals | |
units | a_globals | |
use | a_globals | |
use | a_globals | |
variations | a_globals | |
VARLO | a_globals | |
VARLO | a_globals | |
world | a_globals | |