Version 7.4
December 2000
Stanley T. Shebs
Copyright (C) 1987-1989, 1991-2000 Stanley T. ShebsPermission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" is included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that the section entitled "GNU General Public License", and this permission notice, may be included in translations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English.
Welcome to Xconq!
Xconq is a powerful multi-player strategy game system. With Xconq you can build empires, fight wars, relive history, and adventure across fantastic worlds. You can play computerized board games, or be Godzilla rampaging through Tokyo.
Xconq runs on many computer systems. It includes user interfaces for Unix/X11 systems, Apple Macintosh, and PCs running Windows 95/98/NT. Although all share the same basic design, the "look and feel" of each interface matches the system you're on. The details of an actual Xconq game depend heavily on its game design, which defines the pieces in the game and the rules of play. So, to understand everything about a game you're playing, you need both this manual, and documentation for the game design in effect. While this seems like a lot, most games don't use every feature of Xconq, and the game program itself includes plenty of online guidance.