Whitespace is never significant, except to separate two symbols or within a string or escaped symbols.
Regular expression for symbol is [-a-z0-9A-Z]*
or |[^|]*|
Number is [-]*[0-9][0-9]*
optional [d]*[0-9][0-9]*
String is "[^"]*"
Comments extend from ;
to end of the line, or may be everything
enclosed between #|
and |#
(which nest properly).
form ::= module-form | ( include module-name [ variant-setting ]* ) | ( if test-form [ symbol ] ) | ( else [ symbol ] ) | ( end-if [ symbol ] ) | world-form | area-form | side-form | side-defaults-form | independent-units-form | doctrine-form | player-form | agreement-form | unit-form | unit-defaults-form | scorekeeper-form | exu-form | evt-form | unit-type-form | terrain-type-form | material-type-form | advance-type-form | namer-form | table-form | add-form | imf-form | palette-form | color-form | ( define symbol value ) | ( set symbol value ) | ( undefine symbol value ) | ( print value ) | value
module-form ::= ( game-module [ module-name ] [ game-module-property-binding ]* ) module-name ::= string game-module-property-binding ::= ( game-module-property-name value ) game-module-property-name ::= base-game | title | blurb | picture-name | instructions | notes | design-notes | program-version | base-module | default-base-module | variants | version variant-definition ::= ( [ string ] var-type [ var-default ] [ var-range ] [ var-clause ]* ) var-type ::= world-size | world-seen | see-all | sequential | real-time | symbol var-default ::= value var-range ::= ( value value ) var-clause ::= ( [ string ] value [ form ]* )
variant-setting ::= ( var-type value )
world-form ::= ( world [ circumference ] [ world-property-binding ]* ) world-property-binding ::= ( world-property-name value ) world-property-name ::= axial-tilt | circumference | day-length | year-length circumference ::= value
area-form ::= ( area [ width [ height ] ] [ area-restriction ] [ area-property-binding ]* ) area-restriction ::= ( restrict width height a-x a-y ) area-property-binding ::= ( area-property-name value ) | ( terrain [ layer-subform ]* [ string ]* ) | ( aux-terrain terrain-type [ layer-subform ]* [ string ]* ) | ( features feature-list [ layer-subform ]* [ string ]* ) | ( material material-type [ layer-subform ]* [ string ]* ) | ( people-sides [ layer-subform ]* [ string ]* ) | ( control-sides [ layer-subform ]* [ string ]* ) | ( elevations [ layer-subform ]* [ string ]* ) | ( temperatures [ layer-subform ]* [ string ]* ) | ( winds [ layer-subform ]* [ string ]* ) | ( clouds [ layer-subform ]* [ string ]* ) | ( cloud-bottoms [ layer-subform ]* [ string ]* ) | ( cloud-heights [ layer-subform ]* [ string ]* ) area-property-name ::= width | height | latitude | longitude | cell-width layer-subform ::= ( constant n ) | ( subarea a-x a-y width height ) | ( xform mul add ) | ( by-bits ) | ( by-char string ) | ( by-name name-list ) width ::= value height ::= value a-x ::= value a-y ::= value n ::= value mul ::= value add ::= value
side-form ::= ( side [ side-id ] [ side-property-binding ]* ) side-defaults-form ::= ( side-defaults [ side-property-binding ]* ) side-property-binding ::= ( side-property-name value ) side-property-name ::= name | long-name | short-name | noun | plural-noun | adjective | color | emblem-name | names-locked | class | active | status | advantage | advantage-min | advantage-max | controlled-by | trusts | trades | next-numbers | unit-namers | feature-namers | tech | init-tech | terrain-view | unit-view | unit-view-dates | turn-time-used | total-time-used | timeouts | timeouts-used | finished-turn | willing-to-draw | doctrines | doctrines-locked | self-unit | priority | scores | ui-data | ai-data | player
doctrine-form ::= ( doctrine ... )
player-form ::= ( player [ player-id ] [ player-property-binding ]* ) player-id ::= number player-property-binding ::= ( player-property-name value ) player-property-name ::= name | config-name | display-name | ai-type-name | password | initial-advantage
agreement-form ::= ( agreement [ agreement-id ] [ agree-prop-bdg ]* ) agreement-id ::= value agree-prop-bdg ::= ( agreement-property-name value ) agreement-property-name ::= type-name | title | terms | drafters | proposers | signers | willing-to-sign | known-to | enforcement | state
unit-form ::= ( unit [ unit-id ] [ unit-property-bdg ]* ) | ( unit-type-name u-x u-y u-side [ unit-property-bdg ]* ) unit-defaults-form ::= ( unit-defaults [ reset ] [ unit-property-bdg ]* ) unit-property-bdg ::= ( unit-property-name value ) | ( act action-type-name [ action-property-binding ]* ) | ( plan plan-type-name [ plan-property-binding ]* ) | ( task task-type-name [ task-property-binding ]* ) | ( x [ unit-x-property-binding ]* ) unit-property-name ::= @ | # | cp | cxp | hp | in | m | mo | n | nb | opinions | s | tp | z unit-id ::= value u-x ::= value u-y ::= value u-side ::= value unit-x-property-binding ::= ( unit-x-property-name value ) ( symbol value ) unit-x-property-name ::= appear | disappear
action-type-name ::= add-terrain | alter-terrain | attack | build | capture | change-side | change-type | create-at | create-in | detonate | disband | enter | fire-at | fire-into | move | none | overrun | produce | remove-terrain | repair | research | toolup | transfer | transfer-part action-property-binding ::= ( action-property-name value ) action-property-name ::= a | aa | acp | acp0 | am
plan-type-name ::= defensive | exploratory | none | offensive | passive | random plan-property-binding ::= ( plan-property-name value ) | ( goal goal-type-name ... ) plan-property-name ::= ai-control | asleep | delayed | formation | goal | reserve | supply-alarm | supply-is-low
goal-type-name ::= cell-is-occupied | has-material-type | has-unit-type | has-unit-type-near | keep-formation | lost-game | no-goal | positions-known | vicinity-is-held | vicinity-is-known | won-game | world-is-known
task-type-name ::= build | capture | do-action | hit-position | hit-unit | move-dir | move-to | none | occupy | pickup | repair | research | resupply | sentry
scorekeeper-form ::= ( scorekeeper [ sk-id ] [ sk-property-binding ]* ) sk-id ::= value sk-property-binding ::= ( sk-property-name value ) sk-property-name ::= applies-to | do | initial | known-to | messages | title | trigger | triggered | when sk-when ::= after-action | after-event | after-turn | before-turn
exu-form ::= ( exu id type x y side [ exu-property-binding ]* ) exu-property-binding ::= ( exu-property-name value ) exu-property-name ::= n | nb | z evt-form ::= ( evt turn evt-type-name observers [ value ]* )
evt-type-name ::= action-done | action-error | action-ok | cannot-do | cannot-leave-world | capture-failed | capture-succeeded | destination-full | fire-into-outside-world | game-ended | game-restarted | game-saved | game-started | insufficient-acp | insufficient-material | insufficient-mp | log-ended | log-started | overrun-failed | overrun-succeeded | side-joined | side-lost | side-withdrew | side-won | too-far | too-near | unit-acquired | unit-assaulted | unit-captured | unit-completed | unit-created | unit-damaged | unit-disbanded | unit-garrisoned | unit-killed | unit-left-world | unit-moved | unit-name-changed | unit-started-with | unit-starved | unit-type-changed | unit-vanished | unit-wrecked
unit-type-form ::= ( unit-type unit-type-name [ unit-type-property-binding ]* ) unit-type-name ::= symbol unit-type-property-binding ::= ( unit-type-property-name value ) unit-type-property-name ::= acp-damage-effect | acp-max | acp-min | acp-per-turn | acp-per-turn-max | acp-per-turn-min | acp-season-effect | acp-temperature-effect | acp-to-change-side | acp-to-detonate | acp-to-disband | acp-to-fire | acp-to-move | acp-to-transfer-part | action-priority | already-seen | already-seen-independent | assign-number | available | can-be-self | capacity | char | color | consumption-temperature-effect | country-units-max | cp | cp-per-self-build | cp-to-self-build | cxp-max | cxp-on-capture-effect | description-format | detonate-on-death | direct-control | elevation-at-max-range | free-acp | free-mp | generic-name | has-opinions | help | hit-falloff-range | hp-max | hp-per-detonation | hp-per-disband | hp-recovery | image-name | independent-growth-chance | independent-near-start | independent-takeover-chance | initial-seen-radius | long-name | move-range | mp-to-leave-world | name | name-internal | namer | notes | occupant-total-max | parts-max | point-value | possible-sides | range | range-min | revolt-chance | see-always | see-occupants | self-changeable | self-resurrects | short-name | speed | speed-damage-effect | speed-max | speed-min | speed-wind-angle-effect | speed-wind-effect | spot-action | spy-chance | spy-range | stack-order | start-with | tech-from-ownership | tech-leakage | tech-max | tech-per-turn-max | tech-to-build | tech-to-own | tech-to-see | tech-to-use | temperature-attrition | type-in-game-max | type-per-side-max | unit-growth-chance | unit-takeover-chance | vision-bend | vision-range | wrecked-type | zz-b | zz-bb | zz-bw | zz-c | zz-cc | zz-cm | zz-transport
terrain-type-form ::= ( terrain-type terrain-type-name [ terrain-type-property-bdg ]* ) ) terrain-type-name ::= symbol terrain-type-property-bdg ::= ( terrain-type-property-name value ) terrain-type-property-name ::= alt-percentile-max | alt-percentile-min | capacity | char | clouds-max | clouds-min | country-growth-chance | country-people-chance | country-takeover-chance | country-terrain-max | country-terrain-min | elevation-max | elevation-min | help | image-name | independent-people-chance | liquid | maze-passage-occurrence | maze-room-occurrence | name | notes | occurrence | people-max | river-chance | subtype | subtype-x | temperature-average | temperature-max | temperature-min | temperature-variability | thickness | wet-percentile-max | wet-percentile-min | wind-force-average | wind-force-max | wind-force-min | wind-force-variability | wind-variability | zz-fr
material-type-form ::= ( material-type material-type-name [ m-type-property-binding ]* ) ) material-type-name ::= symbol m-type-property-binding ::= ( m-type-property-name value ) m-type-property-name ::= char | help | image-name | initial-treasury | name | notes | people | resource-icon | treasury
advance-type-form ::= ( advance-type advance-type-name [ m-type-property-binding ]* ) ) advance-type-name ::= symbol a-type-property-binding ::= ( a-type-property-name value ) a-type-property-name ::= char | help | image-name | name | notes | occurrence | rp
namer-form ::= ( namer [ namer-id ] naming-method state ) namer-id ::= value naming-method ::= junky | ( random [ string ]* ) | ( in-order [ string ]* ) | ( grammar symbol number [ grammar-rule ]* ) grammar-rule ::= ( symbol ( [ rule-type ] [ weight ] data ) rule-type ::= any | or | reject | capitalize state ::= value
table-form ::= ( table table-name [ add ] [ table-clause ]* ) table-clause ::= value | ( type-or-types type-or-types value ) table-name ::= uu-table-name | ut-table-name | um-table-name | tt-table-name | tm-table-name | mm-table-name
uu-table-name ::= | acp-for-retreat | acp-occupant-effect | acp-to-attack | acp-to-be-fired-on | acp-to-build | acp-to-capture | acp-to-change-type | acp-to-create | acp-to-defend | acp-to-enter-unit | acp-to-repair | acp-to-research | acp-to-toolup | attack-range | attack-range-min | bridge | build-range | can-enter-independent | capture-chance | control-chance | control-chance-adjacent | control-chance-at | control-range | cp-on-creation | cp-per-build | create-range | cxp-per-capture | cxp-per-combat | damage | damage-cxp-effect | detonate-on-approach-range | detonate-on-capture | detonate-on-hit | detonation-damage-adjacent | detonation-damage-at | detonation-unit-range | ferry-on-departure | ferry-on-entry | hit-at-max-range-effect | hit-chance | hit-cxp-effect | hp-min | hp-per-repair | hp-to-garrison | hp-to-repair | independent-capture-chance | mp-to-enter-unit | mp-to-enter-zoc | mp-to-leave-unit | mp-to-leave-zoc | mp-to-traverse-zoc | occupant-can-construct | occupant-combat | occupant-escape-chance | occupant-max | occupant-vision | protection | retreat-chance | road-chance | scuttle-chance | see-chance | see-chance-adjacent | see-chance-at | speed-occupant-effect | spy-quality | stack-protection | surrender-chance | surrender-chance-per-attack | surrender-range | tech-crossover | tech-per-research | temperature-protection | tp-attrition | tp-crossover | tp-max | tp-per-toolup | tp-to-build | unit-capacity-x | unit-size-as-occupant | withdraw-chance-per-attack | zoc-range | zz-basic-capture-worth | zz-basic-hit-worth | zz-basic-transport-worth
ut-table-name ::= accident-damage | accident-hit-chance | accident-vanish-chance | acp-night-effect | acp-to-add-terrain | acp-to-remove-terrain | alter-terrain-range | altitude-max | altitude-min | attack-terrain-effect | attrition | defend-terrain-effect | detonation-accident-chance | detonation-terrain-damage-chance | detonation-terrain-range | eye-height | favored-terrain | independent-density | mp-to-enter-terrain | mp-to-leave-terrain | mp-to-traverse | people-surrender-chance | productivity | terrain-capacity-x | unit-size-in-terrain | vanishes-on | visibility | vision-night-effect | wrecks-on | zoc-from-terrain-effect | zoc-into-terrain
um-table-name ::= acp-to-load | acp-to-produce | acp-to-unload | base-consumption | base-production | consumption-as-occupant | consumption-on-creation | consumption-per-attack | consumption-per-build | consumption-per-move | consumption-per-repair | hit-by | hp-per-starve | in-length | load-max | material-per-production | material-to-act | material-to-build | material-to-change-type | material-to-create | material-to-fight | material-to-move | material-to-produce | material-to-repair | occupant-base-production | out-length | people-see-chance | people-surrender-effect | productivity-max | productivity-min | recycleable-material | supply-on-completion | supply-on-creation | supply-per-disband | unit-initial-supply | unit-storage-x | unload-max
tt-table-name ::= adjacent-terrain-effect | coating-depth-max | coating-depth-min | drawable-terrain | road-into-chance | terrain-damaged-type
tm-table-name ::= change-on-exhaustion-chance | consumption-per-add-terrain | material-per-remove-terrain | see-material-always | terrain-consumption | terrain-exhaustion-type | terrain-initial-supply | terrain-production | terrain-storage-x
mm-table-name ::= people-consumption | people-production
add-form ::= ( add type-or-types property-name value )
imf-form ::= ( imf string [ imf-property-binding ]* [ image ]* ) imf-property-binding ::= ... image ::= ( ( w h [ tile ] ) [ image-property-binding ]* [ subimage * ] ) image-property-binding ::= ( image-property-name value ) image-property-name ::= actual | embed | embed-at | palette | pixel-size | row-bytes subimage ::= ( subimage-type string * ) subimage-type ::= color | mono | mask palette-form ::= ( palette ... ) color-form ::= ( color string r g b )
type-or-types ::= type | symbol | ( [ type | symbol ]* ) value ::= number | symbol | global-variable | predefined-symbols | ( [ value ]* ) | ( operation-name [ value ]* ) operation-name ::= quote | list | append | remove | /= | < | <= | = | > | >= global-constant ::= true | false | u* | t* | m* | non-unit | non-terrain | non-material | border | cell | coating | connection | over-all | over-border | over-nothing | over-own | no-x | river-x | road-x | valley-x
global-variable ::= action-messages | advantage-default | advantage-max | advantage-min | alt-blob-density | alt-blob-height | alt-blob-size | alt-smoothing | calendar | country-radius-max | country-radius-min | country-separation-max | country-separation-min | edge-terrain | elapsed-real-time | event-messages | extra-turn-chance | feature-namers | feature-types | grid-color | growth-stop-chance | initial-date | initial-day-part | initial-year-part | last-turn | maze-passage-density | maze-room-density | player-sides-locked | random-events | random-state | real-time-for-game | real-time-per-side | real-time-per-turn | river-sink-terrain | scorefile-name | season-names | see-all | see-terrain-always | see-weather-always | self-required | side-library | sides-max | sides-min | sides-wanted | synthesis-methods | temperature-floor | temperature-floor-elevation | temperature-moderation-range | temperature-year-cycle | terrain-seen | turn | units-in-game-max | units-per-side-max | unseen-char | unseen-color | unseen-image-name | use-side-priority | wet-blob-density | wet-blob-height | wet-blob-size | wet-smoothing | wind-mix-range
synthesis-methods ::= make-countries | make-earthlike-terrain | make-fractal-percentile-terrain | make-independent-units | make-initial-materials | make-maze-terrain | make-random-date | make-random-terrain | make-rivers | make-roads | make-weather | name-geographical-features | name-units-randomly
random-event-method ::= accidents-in-terrain | attrition-in-terrain | units-revolt | unit-surrender