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Checkpointing Games

If you're on a system that is prone to failures, you should consider using checkpointing. This is where Xconq automatically saves the game every few turns. If you're playing an important game on an unreliable system, this will be very valuable.

You ask for checkpointing by using the `-c' command option or by setting a preference for how often to checkpoint. You can save as often as every turn. The checkpoint files are saved in the same place as saved games, and have exactly the same format; so you restore from a checkpoint by simply opening the file as you would for restoring a saved game. The checkpoint is saved right at the beginning of a turn, so upon restoration all sides have their full complement of moves for that turn.

On Mac, the checkpoint file is called `Checkpoint', while on Unix and Windows the file is named `checkturn.xconq', where turn is the turn on which the checkpoint was saved. (When the checkpoint is successfully saved, the previous checkpoint is removed, so files don't accumulate.)

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